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Friday, May 3, 2024

Nathan Weil

The Setonian

Know Justice, Know Peace

It took 43 minutes for the Oklahoma Department of Corrections to execute Clayton Lockett. Sorry, that figure is wrong. It took fourteen years and 43 minutes for the Oklahoma Department of Corrections to execute Clayton Lockett. As if the decade and a half on death row wasn’t cruel and unusual enough, ...

The Setonian

A Call for Compromise

53 weeks ago Congress failed the people it swore to protect. It was then that, in pathetically predictable fashion, Congressional leaders couldn’t muster the strength to take action in the face of a national plague of gun violence. As much as I wish it were, that wasn’t the only time they failed ...

The Setonian

All We Need to Do is Talk

Two weeks ago I wrote an article for The Campus about how certain brands of leftist activism, especially those on this campus, have created a hierarchy of classes, which dictates admission into our collective discourse (see: “Jared Leto and the Thought Police”). A week later an article was published ...


Jared Leto and the Thought Police

Within minutes of Jared Leto taking the stage to accept the award for Best Supporting Actor at this year’s Oscars, there was a predictable, yet no less inane, post on my newsfeed in protest of his win. It was a link to an article titled, “10 Actors Who Could Have Played Jared Leto’s Role in ‘Dallas ...


We’re All Wolves of Wall Street

This has been a good year for movies. Tom Hanks gave a mesmerizing performance in Captain Phillips, Mud captured the spirit of the South with subtle grace, and 12 Years a Slave depicted slavery without resorting to revisionist comedy and violence. The movie that most blew me away, however, was Martin ...

The Setonian

The Brother who Cried Black

Editors' Note: The following article contains offensive language. 1: Is the word “faggot” a homophobic slur? 2: That’s an easy question. Yes, it is. 1: Is it homophobic if a Caucasian says it? 2: Yes, it is. 1: Is it homophobic if an African-American says it? 2: Yes, it is. 1: So why, then, ...

The Setonian

Perfect Competition of Indie Pop

This past July I was at a festival in Geneva, Switzerland waiting for Best Coast to come on stage when I realized that I was actually seeing Beach House and not the aforementioned surf-pop duo. When I told people which bands would be playing at the festival I would say, “Neil Young, Santana, Phoenix, ...

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