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Saturday, Jul 27, 2024

Acadia Klepeis

Arts & Culture Editor

Acadia Klepeis ’24 (she/her) is an Arts & Culture Editor. 

She is an English major and a French and Francophone Studies minor. Last year, Cadi studied literature in Paris and in Oxford through Middlebury’s school abroad programs. She spent this past summer working as a communications intern for the Vermont Arts Council. Previously, she completed internships with Tuttle Publishing, Theatre in Paris, and Town Hall Theater. Cadi is also on the board for Middlebury College Musical Theatre.

Arts & Culture

Reflections from an A&Senior

If you flip past news, past local and past opinions (a more time-consuming feat than ever this week), you’ll arrive at the ever-evolving Arts & Culture section (A&C). If news is the responsible eldest, local the well-adjusted middle child and opinions the loud, jaded teen , A&C is the ...

Arts & Culture

With a pinch of Saltveit

“Good afternoon, the Davis Family Library will be closing at 5 p.m. today. Should you want to continue working, Crossroads Cafe is open 24/7, although I don’t know why you would want to continue working when it’s such a beautiful day outside,” his voice bellows across the library intercoms on ...

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