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Saturday, Jul 27, 2024



Setting the record straight: allow us to reintroduce ourselves

Since 1905, The Middlebury Campus has worked to inform our community of important issues through reliable student reporting. Like most print publications in the United States, we contribute to public discourse by publishing factual news pieces and articulating arguments. As a student newspaper, our ...


Sustainability Spotlight: energy efficiency and conservation on campus

From Facilities Services to Environmental Affairs at Franklin Environmental Center to the architects designing our new buildings, people across campus have been working toward energy conservation. This behind the scenes work is one of the four core pillars of Energy 2028, Middlebury’s sustainability ...

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Middlebury needs a Club Alpine Ski Team

Middlebury is an institution with a vast array of storied DIII athletic teams. Our programs have won multiple national championships, and we have racked up 44 team national titles. Forty-one alumni have gone on to compete at the Olympic games. Our alpine ski team is one of the top DI programs on the ...

The Setonian

Sarah Says: Did we kill debate?

Instagram announced a big change this February: It would begin to limit political content. I didn’t notice this change until a few weeks ago when many of my Middlebury classmates began to post pleas to circulate a text post instructing us how and why we should self-select back into being shown political ...

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The myth of the “Chinese” language

Middlebury College has allowed a mistake to face the public and its students since 1966. That mistake is the name of the Chinese department’s language courses: Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced “Chinese.” Out of the nearly three hundred Chinese languages in existence, only Mandarin — the most ...


The Prism Center needs an assistant director

A bell hooks quote lives in the kitchen of The Prism Center and serves as an invitation into the center’s beautiful living spaces: “One of the most vital ways we sustain ourselves is by building communities of resistance, places where we know we are not alone.”

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Josh Harkins ’25 for SGA President

We are excited to endorse Josh Harkins ’25 for Student Government Association (SGA) president for the 2024-25 academic year. Harkins, who plans to appoint Freddi Mitchell ’25 and Ahmed Awadallah ’26 as vice presidents, has clear and pragmatic goals for his term as SGA president.

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Justice for Governor Mead

As reported earlier this year in The Campus, the lawsuit contesting the removal of the Mead name from our chapel has now moved to the discovery phase, during which each party must provide to the other whatever evidence and testimony it has and intends to present in a trial. Given Middlebury College’s ...

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Going outside the classroom to New Orleans

Ah, spring break—a cherished time for us Midd students to escape the routine and unwind. Little did I anticipate that my decision to participate in a InterVarsity Christian Fellowship service trip to New Orleans would expose me to profound human tragedy and adversity. Yet amidst these challenges, ...

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Grade inflation: Is it really so bad?

Grade inflation is a contentious issue on campus, as seen from the news article released on Feb. 22 titled “Average GPA rose to 3.65 last spring, prompting concern over sustained grade inflation” and The Campus’ editorial that week: “Inflated grades, deflated egos: tackling Middlebury’s problematic ...

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Rumi & Ramadan

“Rumi” — a name that has become increasingly recognizable in American classrooms, literary circles and spiritual movements. With popular renditions and interpretations of Molānā Jalāl ad-Dīn Muḥammad al-Balkhi al-Rūmī, or simply Rumi’s writings in English, the 13th century Persian Muslim ...

The Setonian

Sarah Says: So, I took a class on porn

When I tell people I took a class on porn — “Decolonizing Porn: Circulating Desire Between Europe and the Americas,” to be more specific —  the question that invariably follows is “Did you watch porn in class?” To that, I say, yes, sort of, but we watched most of the porn outside of ...


A Case for Reviving Middlebury College Republicans

Middlebury College has a strong reputation as a premier academic institution, and I am sure few would disagree that it is in everyone’s best interest for the college to provide a true liberal arts education. However, over the last several years, I have observed that part of the student body has become ...
