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Saturday, Jul 27, 2024

SPECS PANTHER Column #4: Five things you didn’t know about…

SPECS Panther is a mascot for SPECS (sex-positive education for college students) and serves the Middlebury community. As a part of Health & Wellness Education, SPECS Panther seeks to educate and spark independent dialogue, not be the end-all be-all resource on campus. We encourage Midd kids to break down the walls of silence by engaging in sex-positive conversation — wherever, with whomever, and about whatever is most comfortable, easy and safe for you. Our editions will be fun and educational!

SPECS Panther is back for 2024, this time coming to you with some interesting sex, pleasure and anatomy facts! When it comes to sexuality and pleasure, learning about anatomy can often get thrown by the wayside. Many people may think that human bodies and genitalia are relatively straightforward, yet misconceptions are prevalent in many folks' understanding of these topics. 

An example of this lies in the understanding of the “vagina.” Many people refer to their outer genitalia as the vagina, but this area is actually the vulva. Anatomically, the vagina is the interior structure connecting the uterus to the outside of the body. To this point, anatomical knowledge is important for understanding our bodies, communicating with partners and talking to healthcare providers about questions and concerns. As SPECS educators, we’re here to share five more things you may not know about anatomy.


First, let’s discuss the size of the clitoris. If you’re unfamiliar with the term, the clitoris (also known as the “clit”) refers to an area of the vulva where stimulation can be pleasurable for people with a uterus, due to the presence of many nerve endings. The clit can be found at the top of the vulva where the inner lips of the vagina meet. It's often described as “pea-shaped,” but it’s important to note that clitorises vary in size, and can be as large as a thumb. Many people are unaware that the clit extends past the exterior portion (known as the clitoral glans). Inside the body, the clitoris both stretches inward and down the sides of the vagina, and the size of the entire structure ranges from approximately 3.5 to 4.25 inches long, and 2.5 inches wide.


Next, let’s shed some light on erogenous zones. An erogenous zone is an area of the body that may feel pleasurable when touched. It’s hypothesized that these “zones” can feel nice because they have more nerve endings and aren’t frequently stimulated. It’s important to note that while we all have erogenous zones, the sensitivity of these points vary from person to person. The erogenous zones of the body range from the more obvious ones, such as the nipples, mouth and inner thigh, to areas you might not consider, like the small of the back, ears, inner wrist, behind the knee and the scalp. There are dozens of resources available online, and we suggest exploring what feels good on yourself or your partners. 


You may have heard of the G-spot, but have you heard of the A-spot or the P-spot? That’s right, there are actually three internal areas known to provide increased pleasure with penetrative stimulation. Two of these spots, the G-spot and A-spot, are in the vagina, while the P-spot is located in the anus of those with penises.

The G-spot is the most well-known of these regions. Specifically, the G-spot is the area of the vagina overlaying the Skene’s gland, which is responsible for the phenomenon known as “squirting,” or vaginal ejaculation. The G-spot is an elevated, spongy area that swells with arousal. It is located two to four inches up, along the front vaginal wall closest to the belly button. Stimulation of the G-spot, and thus the Skene’s gland, can be intensely pleasurable and even cause ejaculation in some people with vaginas. 

The A-spot, also referred to as the AFE zone, is located along the front vaginal wall as well. However, the A-spot is located several inches higher than the G-spot, right below the cervix. The A-spot is smooth and non-differentiable from the rest of the vaginal wall, but stimulation of the A-spot has been documented to lead to intense vaginal orgasms as well as increased vaginal lubrication.

Last but not least the P-spot, located in the anus, is the main internal erogenous zone for those with penises. This area is one to two inches up against the front wall of the anus overlaying the prostate. Pressure to the P-spot can be intensely pleasurable, often leading to prostate orgasms, but may also be painful for some. As with any form of anal stimulation, make sure to use lube and a flared toy, as the anus is a non-self-lubricating sphincter. Any of these areas can be located for stimulation by fingers, a penis or a sex toy. However, it is important to remember that these spots can be very sensitive and aren’t pleasurable for everyone, so don’t forget to take it slow when exploring new areas of your body to ensure the most enjoyable experience.

By providing a few facts about anatomy, we hope you gained new information and confidence about exploring your body. As members of SPECS, we believe that this knowledge can be empowering, allowing you to be more in touch with yourself and your partner(s).
