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Saturday, Aug 31, 2024


The Setonian

Anti-racism is not just a trend

"As the summer carries on, it’s inevitable that the news cycles will change. But this is not a passing moment. It is and should be a turning point. To look away now would be to perpetuate centuries of systemic violence, to further marginalize our nation’s most vulnerable."


Desperate times call for flexible measures

"We started out this remote experiment thinking about how to adapt the structure of lecture halls to our laptops, but we should also be envisioning ways to bring the intimacy of our Zoom screens back to our classrooms."

The Setonian

If We Are to Move Forward

The word “community” is a trite word on this campus — in classes, in club meetings, in glossy admission materials. Since the beginning of her tenure, President Laurie Patton has stressed the importance of “rhetorical resilience” in strengthening the communal ethos of Middlebury. But when it ...

The Setonian

The Importance of Being Wrong

On April 20, 2017, Professor Bert Johnson wrote in to this paper with an apology. This doesn’t happen frequently; we were surprised and moved. Professor Johnson, chair of the Political Science Department, wrote that he regretted the manner in which department co-sponsorship was issued to Charles Murray’s ...

The Setonian

Changing Middlebury Pack Behavior

Last week we published an op-ed by Esme Valette ’16 illuminating “predatory pack behavior” on campus. She pointed to a “Hunters and Hunted Party” thrown by a group of senior boys in the spring of 2014 as an example of the perpetuation of a social culture on our campus that fosters predatory ...

The Setonian

Rethinking The Judicial Process

In the wake of the highly controversial protests against Charles Murray — which raised questions about the nature of free speech, political expression and power imbalances at Middlebury — many students are facing College discipline for their participation in the protests. This situation has caused ...

The Setonian

In Defense of an Intersectional Education

The liberal arts curriculum advertises itself as preparing us with skills that will apply to any job we might take while offering a selection of classes that spans a multitude of academic disciplines. In some ways, the curriculum is changing, in others it remains deeply rooted in tradition. Some departments ...

The Setonian

Letter From The Editors

Each week, the Editorial Board of The Middlebury Campus publishes an editorial, a statement meant to reflect the “official position” of our student publication. As a board of over thirty students, we typically spend two days debating and discussing the nuances of a variety of topics. Our conversations ...

The Setonian

Show Murray What We Stand For

This Thursday at 4:30 p.m. in Wilson Hall, Dr. Charles Murray will discuss Coming Apart, his 2012 book which “explores class divisions in the United States, placing particular emphasis on the White working class.” Murray’s conclusions are upsetting, particularly those in his 1994 book The Bell ...

The Setonian

Towards a More Just Opinions Section

As Middlebury’s Homecoming weekend approaches, one can feel a burgeoning sense of school pride. A number of factors might form that feeling – excitement about seeing graduated classmates, a sense of spirit from cheering on the football team as a crowd, or perhaps just the fervor around ubiquitous ...

The Setonian

Reflecting on Town-Gown Relations

We have a housing problem here at Middlebury. The off-campus housing of Middlebury students has long been a strain on delicate town-gown relations. The College has been contacted by a slew of disgruntled neighbors, frustrated with the collegiate party scene that has, for many years, encroached upon ...

The Setonian

A Call for More Equitable Funding

Last Sunday, March 13, the Student Government Association (SGA) passed Sophomore Senator Colin Boyle’s Club Sports Funding Methodology bill. The bill extends club sports funding at its current level and, in anticipation of future budget constraints, delegates a committee to find an alternative method ...

The Setonian

Undercaffeinated and Underwhelmed

Last week, Middlebury’s Community Council voted to recommend the discontiunation of energy drink sales on campus, citing the “problematic behavior” that can arise from the consumption of such drinks. A letter to MiddExpress customers — signed by Dan Detora, Middlebury’s executive director ...

The Setonian

A More Inclusive Campus

On Feb. 15, a group of cultural organizations sent an email to the student body in protest of The Campus. They called upon this publication to make a number of changes in order to remedy the institutionalized silencing of marginalized communities at this school. We addressed many of the issues raised ...

The Setonian

A Paper for the People

Issues related to race, privilege and language have been frequently and publicly discussed on our campus in the last few months. Town-hall forums were orchestrated by Miguel Fernandez, Chief Diversity Officer and Professor of Spanish. Numerous op-eds have been published. Some of these op-eds have incited ...


Lightening the Load for Incoming Febs

You may notice 100 new faces walking around Campus this week: the new Febs. We know what you’re thinking and, yes, this is another editorial on how to improve the Feb program. The Campus welcomes the Class of 2019.5 and would like to wish them luck in fielding the inevitable small-talk staple, “What ...

The Setonian

J-term: Not Just Play-term

With J-Term more than halfway over, many of us have accomplished a great deal: we have plowed through new Netflix series (Making a Murderer, anyone?!), spent afternoons at the Snow Bowl and caught up on much-needed sleep. But while many enjoy this brief respite from the busyness of the spring and fall, ...
