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Saturday, Jul 27, 2024


The Setonian

Editorial Taking Responsibility

Author: [no author name found] Taking ResponsibilityThe events following Alpha Delta Phi's (ADP) Homecoming football game half time show in which a pledge exposed himself to spectators, including students, faculty, administrators, alumni and citizens of the town of Middlebury, called into question who ...

The Setonian

ADP Pledges Growth, Education

Author: John Joy I am writing on behalf of the Middlebury Chapter of Alpha Delta Phi Society (ADP) in regard to the pledge event that took place during half time at the Middlebury football game on Oct. 27. As a result of some last minute technicalities, the pledges were unable to play music over the ...

The Setonian

The Embattled Bipartisan

Author: Brian Ashley So, Vice President Dick Cheney is off hunting in North Dakota. Oh, that's super; we are "at war" and our second-in-command is off killing helpless animals. No wonder everyone hates us. I know I am probably the last person likely to say this, but there has got to be a reason that ...

The Setonian

Students Can Honor the Code

Author: Lisa Jasinski The Honor Code referendum strives to undercut the principles of academic honesty at Middlebury College. Minimal and incidental language changes aside, the referendum seeks to dismantle the current judicial system. It will sacrifice student influence, peer representation and end ...

The Setonian

Envisioning Middlebury's Library of Today, Tomorrow

Author: Barbara Doyle-Wilch I need your help in developing the "library of the future." Planning for the library of 2004 often feels like a crystal ball exercise. The physical structure of the new library is only half of the job; what goes on inside the library is the other. Both require seeing into ...

The Setonian

Looking Beyond Patriotism, Politics

Author: Annie Lionberger Middlebury is renowned for its reputation as the College on the Hill, as existing outside the reality of the real world, as a bubble. It seems most people like it that way, considering that it has taken the impending possibility of a third world war to initiate a school-wide ...

The Setonian

ADP Apologizes for Half Time Fumble

In response to the embarrassing half time show over Homecoming Weekend, I would first like to apologize, on behalf of Alpha Delta Phi (ADP) and as the Inter-House Council (IHC) representative to the administration and the Middlebury community, for any offenses taken. There have been many questions ...

The Setonian

Escort Service No Joke, But Article Was

Author: Sam Rodriguez As you well know, my article last week, though it has stirred up controversy, was actually just a silly joke based on an oddly phrased question I received while delivering a tour. Certainly, if anyone reads my piece in its full context, they will understand that my article was ...

The Setonian

Blind War Will Not Fulfill Vision of Peace

Author: Ben Spitz In his Oct. 10 opinions article, "Striking Back Against Soldiers of Terror Preserves Our Way of Life," Drew Pugsley '04 makes a less-than-persuasive argument in support of the United States-led attacks on Afghanistan. Without libeling Mr. Pugsley, I hope to comment on the naïveté ...

The Setonian

Student Extends Apology to Community

I would like to express my deepest apologies for my actions at the halftime intermission at the Middlebury football game Saturday. These actions not only hurt my integrity but that of the school as well, both of which I hold in the highest regard. I'm sure the entire College community, alumni, families ...

The Setonian

Afghan Starvation Collateral Damage or Human Catastrophe?

Author: Abdur Rahim-Syed The attack on the World Trade Center was morally repulsive as civilians were targeted. As many as 6,000 civilians were killed that day, and both the sanctity of life and the laws of war were left in the dust. Those responsible for the attacks did not have a personal quarrel ...

The Setonian

Editorial - The Academic-Athletic Divide

Author: Ashley Elpern Editor-in-Chief The Academic-Athletic DivideGaining admission to competitive colleges is becoming increasingly difficult, but as the recent study commissioned by the presidents of the New England Small College Athletic Conference (NESCAC) reveals, student athletes targeted by ...

The Setonian

Letters to the Editor - The Case of the Missing Condoms

Author: Daegan Miller The Case of the Missing CondomsTo the Editor:I know it is generally bad form to begin a letter with a disclaimer, but I feel the circumstances about to be divulged thoroughly warrant just such an apology. Having said that, let me now say this is not a sham, a joke letter or something ...

The Setonian

Student Demands Escort Service

Author: Samuel Rodriquez When delivering a tour yesterday, a concerned mother raised a valuable point: "Does Middlebury have its own escort service? You see, I do not like the idea of my daughter being alone at night. If she were with a professionally trained escort to suit her needs, I would feel ...

The Setonian

Paranoid Precautions Infringe Freedom

Author: Brian Ashley I would like to take this week's column to relay a newspaper story I found through a link on the news Web site. Gwen Shaffer wrote the piece for the Philadelphia City Paper (Oct. 18) and it is such an excellent example of what happens when stupid people get scared and ...

The Setonian

Campus idealism only choice

Author: Estye Ross I've had a personal revelation of sorts. I admitted to myself that however dedicated I feel to the causes of social justice, I am scared beyond all belief that an outside force might harm my comfortable, upper-middle class, American way of life. I hold certain values in my core—social ...

The Setonian

Letters to the Editor Old Science Center Nostalgia

Author: Jonathan Maziarz Old Science Center NostalgiaTo the Editor: It was with great sadness that I read of the imminent demise of the Old Science Center at Middlebury College. Nicha Rakpanichmanee's article, "Science Center's Complex Past Deconstructed Along With Building" in the Oct. 3 Campus illuminated ...

The Setonian

Vengeful Israeli Policy of Collective Punishment Misguided

Author: Wasim Rahman Another Palestinian mother is grieving in Bethlehem tonight. Her 19-year-old son, Johnny Thaljieh, was shot in Manger Square, only a few yards from the Church of the Nativity, believed to be the birthplace of the prophet Jesus, peace be upon him. The stray bullet that killed Johnny ...

The Setonian

Students blind to world's realities

Author: Drew Pugsley As we sat in the Grille pondering a topic for our article this week, Estye Ross actually had a pretty brilliant idea, believe it or not. We conducted a poll of all of the people in The Grille at about midnight on Oct. 22. The Question: Are you satisfied with the way in which the ...

The Setonian

Protecting Patriot's Accomplishments

Author: Abigail Ward United We Stand." This phrase is all over since Sept. 11, and these three words are comforting for a shaken nation. However, I feel like this phrase is not representative especially of the college population and the younger generations that have never had to deal with full-blown ...
