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Saturday, Jul 27, 2024

Escort Service No Joke, But Article Was

Author: Sam Rodriguez

As you well know, my article last week, though it has stirred up controversy, was actually just a silly joke based on an oddly phrased question I received while delivering a tour. Certainly, if anyone reads my piece in its full context, they will understand that my article was not, in any way, intended to undermine any issues—especially ones as important as feminism and public safety. I ask that we please not look too deeply into my joke, because there are no conclusions to draw from it. If I have something to say, I will not say it in a silly roundabout way. I will just say it.

Since the article's publication, I have been in contact with a representative of Feminist Action at Middlebury (FAM), who has informed me of why, primarily, I have upset some members. From this contact, I have learned that FAM has faced opposition from the administration with respect to Blue Lights. As a point of clarification, Blue Lights, used on almost every campus except Middlebury, provide students with a means to contact security in the case of an emergency. Make no mistake. I support Blue Lights. Why would anyone oppose them? In fact, I am told that we already have purchased them. Thus, cost is not even an issue. Why are they not there yet? I was totally ignorant of this campaign when I wrote the article. Given the opposition that such concerned students have faced recently with respect to Blue Lights, I realize now that many were already in a state of frustration when my article was published. Therefore, I do apologize for inadvertently increasing their level of frustration during the course of this noble campaign.

That being said, I do not think that I have undermined that campaign with my article. Like I said, I have accidentally frustrated members of FAM and others concerned with public safety. Nonetheless, I want to reassure those concerned students that their personal frustration, in and of itself, was the only effect of my article, except perhaps, a couple of innocent belly laughs that have been all but forgotten. I have a hard time believing that those previously with no interest in the Blue Light campaign are now opposed to increasing the level of public safety as a result of my humor piece. In fact, except for those specifically concerned with public safety issues, almost everyone has forgotten about my absurd article and rightly so.

On a final note, I do not think this piece is at all offensive in any way, shape or form. It might have been a frustrating piece, as I have admitted, but it simply was not offensive if read in its full context. Once again, I do apologize for any frustration I have caused. I was simply ignorant of how deeply the issue of public safety has affected so many students.

If you wish to support the Blue Light initiative, please contact Joya Scott '03 at extension 6914 or FAM meets every Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. in Chellis House.
