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Saturday, Jul 27, 2024


The Setonian

Faking Security From Middlebury to Iraq

Author: Carl Larson Middlebury College's installation of the Enhanced Access System (EAS) and the United States' war in Iraq were both justified by circumstances that later proved questionable. The Bush administration, despite objections from citizens and other nations, insisted that Iraq possessed ...

The Setonian

Cable TV Plugs Middlebury into the Real World

Author: David Freedman On the evening that President George W. Bush declared Saddam Hussein's regime in Iraq an imminent threat to the national security of this nation, I was sitting in a common room in Milliken Hall watching Duke pound Georgia Tech in basketball. About halfway into the game, with the ...

The Setonian

Opening the College Closet

Author: Gab Fonseca, Jena Seigel, Jillian Weiser, Lauren Sargent Next week, Middlebury Open Queer Alliance (MOQA) will be sponsoring Coming Out Week. Coming out is a process that begins with a person accepting his or her own sexual orientation or gender and then becoming comfortable sharing it with ...

The Setonian

Editorial A False Start for the SGA

Author: [no author name found] Sam Rodriguez's presidential campaign last spring energized the historically stale politics of the Student Government Association (SGA) at Middlebury College. His fresh ideas and palpable enthusiasm merited a ringing endorsement from this editorial board. But the first ...

The Setonian

College Investment Choices Could Buoy Local Economy

Author: Hilary Eisen There is a Community Investment (CI) initiative on campus working to persuade Middlebury College to invest some of its endowment in our local community. As students, are very fortunate to attend Middlebury and reap its benefits. One of the great things about Middlebury is its location ...

The Setonian

Editorial Wary of Orientation Reform

Author: [no author name found] Wary of Orientation ReformFirst-year orientation evokes memories of hiking, volunteer work and forming friendships that endure far beyond that first week. In fact, many students remain close to a core group of friends they met during their orientation throughout their ...

The Setonian

Liberal Voice Has Arafat's Time Expired?

Author: May Boeve The Israeli Cabinet's intention to remove Yasser Arafat, announced last Tuesday, is a marked departure from the sort of news we are used to from the Middle Eastern desk. After seemingly endless blurbs about cease-fires and suicide bombings, this new decision begs the question of timing. ...

The Setonian

Conservative Voice Has Arafat's Time Expired?

Author: Amichai Kilchevski When the Jewish people were seeking to gain legitimacy for their idea of a state in their ancestral homeland in the Middle East, they began not by attacking their neighbors but by doing the very opposite. The leaders of the Jewish community in Palestine decided that if their ...

The Setonian

College Administration Falls Short

Author: Daniel Hughes Upon returning to Middlebury this fall, I had the unfortunate opportunity to witness a number of inexplicable inconveniences placed on students and a complete lack of sympathy from the administration of the school.Certainly, many of these occurrences are simply minor inconveniences ...

The Setonian

Editorial New Health Center/Howard Dean

Author: [no author name found] Shifting Outward: New Health Center Location The Parton Health Center recently vacated its longtime home in Carr Hall to occupy a newly renovated space in Centeno House on Route 30. The Department of Public Safety will soon follow suit, abandoning its location at the heart ...

The Setonian

'The Customer is Always Right'

Author: Lucas Kavner Yes, it's true. School has begun. Hopefully, you've already strapped on your knapsacks, pumped up your bikes, attached your Nalgene (Nalgene is a registered trademark of Nalgene, Inc.) and buckled down your...self. However, even though school has indeed begun, that does not mean ...

The Setonian

Liberal Voice WTO

Author: Ben Gore If you came up with a list of the 10 worst countries in which to have a World Trade Organization negotiation over agriculture, Mexico would have to be at the top. Mexico is a wonderful snapshot of what "agricultural liberalization" has usually meant. In 1992, in preparation for their ...

The Setonian

Finding 'Real Meaning' in "Tender is the Night"

Author: Michael O'Brien Two of my most beloved English teachers consider "Tender is the Night" to be the greatest American novel ever written, so I was shocked to find Edward Pickering's dismissal of the book as one in which it is "hard to finding any real meaning" ("Literary Picks", Sept. 11, 2003). ...

The Setonian

With a New Location, a New Face for Public Safety?

Author: Ted Lester Middlebury College excels in so many areas of student life. However, there is one department at Middlebury that is not up to the par of student expectations. At most schools students have a positive attitude towards their security department, but at Middlebury almost every student ...

The Setonian

Conservative Voice WTO

Author: Michael Crowly The events at last week's World Trade Organization (WTO) talks in Canc˙n, Mexico, highlight important issues with respect to the survival of the WTO and the pace of trade liberalization. The WTO provides a concrete framework in which countries can negotiate wide ranging trade ...

The Setonian

'Bowling for Columbine' Moore Presents Truth or Not?

Author: Daryn Cambridge and Peter Simon YESOn April 28-30, Middlebury College Activities Board, the Department of Sociology, the Department of Political Science and the Program in Film and Media Culture screened Michael Moore's documentary, "Bowling for Columbine." It was one of the most widely attended ...

The Setonian

Send Vermont Yankee to Peddle Its Energy Elsewhere

Author: Edith Honan It is high time that Middlebury College join Vermonters in saying no to Vermont Yankee (VY). Currently, Entergy Nuclear is requesting that VY's original licensing agreement of 40 years, which is set to expire in 2012, be extended for 20 or 30 years. Furthermore, Entergy is seeking ...
