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Sunday, Sep 1, 2024


Middlebury Swing.jpeg

Letter to the Editor: In Search of Middlebury Swing

All of Caleb’s music that got donated (and now lost) was valuable to somebody — his great-grandson. Any help finding records is appreciated, and if you have a relative that may have known Caleb, or was in touch with the pre-war jazz scene, I’d love to hear their story. 

The Setonian

Endemic Diseases Don’t Justify Restrictions

"As we absorb the inevitability of living with the virus, we must also strip away the fear that has accompanied positive tests, the judgment that has infiltrated every social interaction, and the restrictions that are past the point of doing more harm than good," writes Griffin Shapiro '22.

The Setonian

What does it mean to live with Covid-19?

As we start to enter our third year of the pandemic, we’ve all encountered a new level of burnout. Though it perhaps once seemed like grab-and-go dining and class Zoom links would become a thing of the past after the vaccine rollout — here we are. It’s becoming increasingly clear that Covid-19 ...

The Setonian

This was never inevitable

At this point in the semester, we had every intention to be finished with our regular coverage — including editorials — until J-Term. And yet somehow we have found ourselves here, wondering how to explain to our parents why we were sent home from a campus with 70 cases without mandated exit testing. ...


It’s time to tackle the root causes

We’ve published nine editorials this fall, most of which touch on these topics, implicitly or explicitly. For our tenth and final editorial of the semester, we’re returning to them to evaluate trends and to parse through where progress still needs to be made going into J-term and the spring semester.  ...

The Setonian

Notes from the Desk: Your opinion matters

Civil discourse in the written word is an invaluable tool for a community of passionate leaders and curious learners. We strive to be a space for writers to offer words of support, of concern, and of experience to shape how we think about particular issues on our campus or in our world.

The Setonian

Reflections from the Inn

Middlebury’s mission promises an “inclusive, residential environment” for the duration of a student’s time at Middlebury. The expectations for a college experience set by Middlebury fall tragically short for those living at the Inn on the Green.


A Middlebury Christmas Carol

In the spirit of the holidays and A Middlebury Christmas Carol, it’s time to reflect on our lives here at Middlebury, look more closely at our present and find points of light in our futures. If Tiny Tim were here, he would say “President Patton bless us, every one!”

The Setonian

Kvetching about meal plans

As many of you know, there’s no better place to schmooze with friends than the Middlebury dining halls. But not all are welcome in these establishments this year, at least not with the previously arranged agreements enjoyed in years past.


J-Term should be an opportunity, not a scarcity

Not only was the J-Term registration process deeply frustrating and contradictory to the entire exploratory purpose of J-Term, it also represents the latest example of how Middlebury has failed to dedicate adequate resources to support the students, staff and faculty of its over-enrolled campus.  ...

The Setonian

In Defense of Bread Loaf Staff

If I didn’t know these things and read the write-ups about life on Bread Loaf, I would have thought it was the failure of the staff up here, and so I felt I must say something.

The Setonian

The listening role of college chaplains

Who exactly are the campus chaplains at Middlebury, and what do we do? We raise this question now because “College Chaplains” is one of the resources that is listed when tragedy strikes on campus or elsewhere in the world, and we are certainly all dealing with the repercussions of many such tragedies ...
