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Saturday, Jul 27, 2024


The Setonian

Emma Willard Raised Educational Standards

Author: Craig Brown Emma Hart Willard, an early advocate and pioneer for women's rights, found her roots here in Middlebury, Vt. Born on Feb. 23, 1787 as one of 17 children, Willard grew up on a small family farm in Hartford, Conn. Her father, Samuel Hart, recognized his daughter's inquisitive and dynamic ...

The Setonian

SGA Senate Reevaluates Campus Safety Strategy

Author: Cara Lovell The Student Government Association (SGA) clarified its stance concerning the changes being made in dormitory security as a result of the Nov. 29 armed robbery and assault at Hadley Hall last Sunday. The informal consensus of the senators was that they should keep in mind the strong ...

The Setonian


Author: Meghan Michelson I spent last weekend in New York City, a place that is as foreign to me as a physics textbook is to an English major. Being that this week marks six months since the tragic terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, I thought now was a better time than ever to reflect on my perception and ...

The Setonian

Women Defend Lax Title

Author: Kate Nerenberg The 2002 Middlebury women's lacrosse team has big shoes to fill, coming off a perfect 17-0 2001 season, including capturing the NCAA National Championship. The Panthers, however, seem ready to embrace the challenge of living up to their promising potential.Leading the way for ...

The Setonian

Golfers Await New Season

Author: Jeff Martin The Middlebury Panther golf team is eagerly awaiting a spring thaw so they can pick up the bags and begin their spring tournament schedule. The Panthers had a strong fall season and with the renovation of the Duke Nelson facility they have been working hard in preparation for their ...

The Setonian

Earth Charter Supported in Middlebury Meeting

Author: Campus Editor in Chief In a vote for sustainable government, the town of Middlebury joined 20 other Vermont municipalities in endorsing the Earth Charter, a document that lays out a basic vision of environmental conservation and social justice. Drafted by a committee chaired by Middlebury College ...

The Setonian


Author: Cara Lovell U. of Wisconsin Halts Undergraduate AdmissionsThe University of Wisconsin System Board of Regents called a halt to all undergraduate admissions on the institution's 26 campuses last Saturday. This extreme action was due to the approval of more budget cuts at the University last week ...

The Setonian

Middlebury Works Hard, Plays Hard

Author: Charlie Goulding "One of the first things I noticed when I got here was how in shape people are," remarked Hillary Waite '05. "Very few people are overweight." The external physique of a Middlebury student is indeed well-toned. But do the teardrop triceps and washboard abs of a typical Midd-kid ...

The Setonian

Town Objects to Boudah's Plan for CFA, Porter Lots

Author: Anne Jennings On March 6, Director of Public Safety Lisa Boudah presented her new parking plan to the town's Planning Commission. This plan includes expansion of the Center for the Arts (CFA) parking lot and a new lot between Porter Hospital and the baseball fields. Residents raised concern ...

The Setonian

College Explores Automated Security System Option

Author: Claire Bourne Dr. Adam Thermos of the Strategic Technology Group, a Massachusetts-based security consulting company, outlined several options for an automated security system at Middlebury College before a joint session of the Student Government Association (SGA) and Community Council on Monday. ...

The Setonian

MCAT, GRE to Undergo Modifications

Author: Claire Bourne In a year of record interest in graduate school, both the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) and the Medical College Admissions Test (MCAT) are undergoing substantial changes. On October 1, 2002, an Analytical Writing Measure (AWM) will replace the GRE's current analytical section. ...

The Setonian

Women's Tennis Defined by Youth

Author: Andrew Zimmermann For the women's tennis team this is its second season this year. Although the roster is comprised completely of first-years and sophomores, the current squad is not lacking in talent as it completed a successful 4-3 campaign in the fall. Over the past month the team has been ...

The Setonian

Council Approves Plan to Put Student Photos on Web

Author: Chesley Thurber At a meeting Monday afternoon, Community Council approved Director of Web Communications Carrie Rampp and Information Technology Services (ITS) to continue with a plan to post student photographs on the College Web site. By as early as next fall, students will have the option ...

The Setonian

Lloyd Awarded Fraker Prize for Paper on Hawthorne's Women

Author: Andrea Gissing The Alison Fraker Prize for 2002 was awarded to Alyssa Lloyd '02 last Wednesday for her essay on Nathaniel Hawthorne and his portrayal of women. Kate Spector '04 received an honorable mention for her play on abortion, "Next To You Me Her." The Alison Fraker Prize is awarded annually ...

The Setonian

The Way of the Weights Defines College Gym Life

Author: [no author name found] A GUY'S PERSPECTIVE...By Raam WongSoon into their first year at the College, most students will realize that the "freshman 15" has transformed into the "freshman 50 and one extra chin." Faced with the prospect of showing up at a McCullough dance party wearing the only ...

The Setonian

Talented First-years Bolster Ambitious Men's Tennis Team

Author: David Lindholm The Middlebury men's tennis team has high hopes for this season, and with a deep, young squad they are poised for success. The team has been working hard in the offseason and now looks to start this campaign on a high note, squaring off on Wednesday against the University of ...

The Setonian

College Democrats Meet With Senator Leahy

Author: Raam Wong The Vergennes Opera House was filled to capacity on Saturday afternoon with Addison County citizens and 10 members of the Middlebury College Democrats during a reception for Vermont Senator Patrick Leahy. College Democrats President Ben LaBolt '03, who worked with the Addison County ...

The Setonian

College Health Facts and Stats

Author: [no author name found] — The average ejaculation contains between 200 and 500 million sperm.— The average time a sperm survives in the female reproductive tract is three to four days.— 90 percent of Middlebury students had not engaged in high risk sexual behavior such as having sex without ...

The Setonian

Friends Program Seeks Financial Support

Author: Bob Wainwright One of the most popular community service programs in Middlebury College's history, the Community Friends program, is in danger of losing its funding after this year. The program, which began in 1960, has always been funded and run by the Counseling Service of Addison County (CSAC). ...
