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Saturday, Jul 27, 2024

Arts & Culture

The Setonian

Opera Project Ends on High Note

Author: Lucie Greene The production of "L'incoronazione di Poppea" by Claudio Monteverdi, was performed on Wednesday, Jan. 29, and Thursday, Jan. 30, in the Center for the Arts Concert Hall, as the final result of both two semesters of opera study, and one intense Winter Term production course. A joint ...

The Setonian

The Cuba Project Challenges Audience to Question Truth

Author: Alexandra Hay Stripes of light shine on the pale golden stage, a grotesque mask sits on a pole upstage left -- a hideously distorted papier-mache` image of a man's face, or a monster's. A Cuban song plays softly, the woman's voice full and rich. The first dance in Artist-in-Residence Amy Chavasse's ...

The Setonian

Talented Takacs Quartet Brings Mozart to Middlebury

Author: Lucie Greene Saturday evening, Jan. 25, saw the prestigious and internationally-famed Tak·cs Quartet perform at the Center for the Arts Concert Hall, including Edward Dusinberre and K·roly Schranz on violin, Roger Tapping on viola and Andr·s FejÈr on cello. The evening was particularly special ...

The Setonian

Perry Joins American Film Institute "Oscar" Panel

Author: [no author name found] Fletcher Professor of the Arts Ted Perry served on a jury panel of thirteen people for the selection of ten films, including "Adaptation," "Chicago," "Frida," "Gangs of New York," "The Hours" and "Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers." The American Film Institute selects ...

The Setonian

Interpol Performs Polished Post-Punk

Author: Erika Mercer A stage bathed in red and yellow light, a hovering layer of thick smoke, a crowded room of fans anxious for music -- this was the setting at Higher Ground on Sunday, Jan. 19, for the awaited performance of indie rock bands The Static Age, Calla and Interpol, sponsored by 99.9 FM ...

The Setonian

Richard Buckner's Newest Album, "Impasse," Surpasses Expectations

Author: Erika Mercer It's the final scene in a movie, when you see the main character driving off down a windy road in a beat up car, wearing an expression of resigned melancholy. The day is blustery and gray, but rainless, and there is quiet, low music playing out of the car's old tape player. Tattered ...

The Setonian

"The Physical Structure of Organisms" Premiers at Johnson

Author: Suzanne Mozes DJ's Jimmy Jung '03 and Micheal Silberman '03 dictated the relaxed atmosphere with techno house music for North Chandler '03 and Zach Hefferen's '03 art opening. This intimate gathering gave both artists an opportunity to exhibit their talents for friends. Transforming Johnson ...

The Setonian

Edgy Script Depicts Lives of Today's Youth

Author: Liz Braunstein Behind the sarcastic wit and sharp dialogue of Kenneth Lonergan's "This Is Our Youth" lies a tragicomic story of the loneliness, confusion and displacement of three Upper West Side teens. Set in 1982, two years into the Reagan Administration, "This Is Our Youth" depicts the lives ...

The Setonian

Lessons and Carols Performance Rings with Holiday Cheer

Author: Liz Braunstein Mead Chapel had everything but a glowing fireplace. The rows of poinsettias housed on the altar, wreaths hanging from the balconies draped with red ribbon and lit candles placed around the room created a warm atmosphere for Middlebury College's annual Lessons and Carols for Advent ...

The Setonian

Innovations in Quilting from the Heart of the South

Author: Suzanne Mozes As the quilts of Gee's Bend, Ala., hang in their unnaturally vertical positions on the walls of the Whitney Museum of American Art, I am immediately reminded of Alice Walker's "Everyday Use." Walker's short story depicts Dee, a young citified woman, returning home to her unsophisticated ...

The Setonian

Halcyon Days in Greece Roaming the Island of Corfu

Author: Edward Pickering The British zoologist Gerald Durrell led an itinerant life studying the fauna of Africa, Australia, South America and elsewhere. He recorded his adventures and expeditions in several wonderful volumes of books that permanently endeared him to the reading public. "My Family and ...

The Setonian

Justin Time For the Death of Pop

Author: Lanford Beard Is Justin Timberlake's solo debut "Justified?" Decidedly not.Timberlake said he wanted to do something "different" and "more me" with his new CD. If by "more me" he means contrived and by "different" he means exactly the same, then Timberlake is right on track.Many have touted ...

The Setonian

Zoo Digs in Deeper Using Student Work

Author: Crystalyn Radcliffe The posters for the most recent Hepburn Zoo play, "Laughter Suffering," featured a white skeleton outlined against a black backdrop, as if a flash of light had revealed the hidden form lurking in the darkness. On Nov. 23 in the Zoo, this skeleton was brought to life in horrifying ...

The Setonian

'New Dances' Presents a Collage of Choreography

Author: Jasmin Johnson The Dance and Theatre Department's annual production "New Dances" saw an encouraging turnout. Each night, the seven newly choreographed dances by the students of Intermediate Dance (TD260) were showcased. The courses' purpose, according to the program, was to "explore the experience ...

The Setonian

Riddim Should Take a Solo

Author: Kate Prouty The World Dance Club Riddim, which is Jamaican patois for "rhythm," always puts on a good show: McCullough is always packed, the moves are always tight and the energy is always high. But how high was it this year?Yeah, it was a great show, but "Guerilla Beats" didn't quite stack ...

The Setonian

Bond Heavy on Stunts, Light on 'Je ne Sais Quoi'

Author: Jimmy Jung Forty years ago, when "Dr. No" first hit the screen, audiences around the world were introduced to a new kind of cinematic action hero: James Bond. This debonair Englishman with a taste for well fitted tuxedos, aged Dom Perignon and gorgeous women might well have seemed like any staunch ...

The Setonian

The Sadness Behind the (Smog)

Author: Daniel Wolf Roda Two Fridays ago, Middlebury music aficionados were treated to a captivating performance by the sad-core music minimalism of Bill Callahan. Think of hard-core, slow it down to a crawl, drown it in a birdbath full of self-indulgent teardrops and that's what I mean by sad-core ...

The Setonian

Harsh Realism Behind 'The Illusion'

Author: Suzanne Moses In celebration of traditional theater, a red curtain hung at Wright Memorial Theatre Nov. 21 through 23 for "The Illusion," written by Pierre Corneille, freely adapted by Tony Kushner and directed by Visiting Instructor in Theater Claudio Medeiros '90. Gusts of wind blew from beneath ...
