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Thursday, May 2, 2024

Making the Most of J-Term

So it’s J-term. After months of three, four or even five classes, we’ve arrived at our favorite month of the year. In order to help our readers get the most out of the next three weeks, we’ve compiled assorted activities on and off campus that we hope will get you thinking about the possibilities. Which will you choose?

Charles Giardina ’12 and friends
One Epic J-term Bucket List

1. Five Hours of Christmas Party — If you don’t know what these means just ask :D
2. Watch the Sound of Music
3. Jump around naked in the snow and then get in a hot shower with someone hotter than the water. (Part Two optional)
4. Double Snowman — You’ve heard of Double Rainbow, well we’re talking not 3 snowballs but 6!
5.Great American Challenge (requires two teams)
6. Make elaborate snow sculptures
7. 24-Hour Fast
8. Speak with a UK accent for a day — all provinces of the Empire count
9. Speak in song for a day
10.Organize a mass improv performance
11. Draw on a friend’s face and take pictures
12. Go a whole day without swearing
13. Polar Bearing
14. Pick a famous piece of a art, recreate it in photo form with friends
15. Giant Human Pyramid
16. Cross-Dressing Bonanza —cross-dressing party, with a themed playlist and drink
17. Family style home/dorm-cooked meal
18. Stairway to Heaven — line both sides of the path from the Library to Mead Chapel with snow angels.
19.Camp song-Campfire night (smores)
20. Suit up! (At least once a week)
21. Get Starbuck abs (alternatively Gerard Butler Abs — 300 Workout!)


* 4 egg yolks
* 1/3 cup sugar, plus 1 tablespoon
* 1 pint whole milk
* 1 cup heavy cream
* 3 ounces bourbon
* 1 teaspoon freshly grated nutmeg
* 4 egg whites

1. Beat the egg yolks until they lighten in color. Slowly add the 1/3 cup sugar and dissolve it in the egg yolk mix completely.
Stir in the the milk,cream, bourbon and nutmeg.

2. Place the egg whites in a mixer and beat until the eggs don’t hold their shape when the mixer is removed (soft peaks). Gradually add the 1 tablespoon of sugar and beat until stiff peaks (they do hold their shape) form.

3. Whisk the egg whites into the mixture.

Do's and Don't's

— Power Down Challenge —
Do: Why not? We’re all about saving energy here, and sometimes it’s even more fun when we can see our results in numbers. Plus, this one doesn’t require you to leave your room.
Don't: Be the one person who forgets to turn off your lights every morning and skews the results. No one likes that.

— Ice Skating —
: Go ice-skating at Kenyon Arena. Remember when that used to be the winter activity of choice in elementary and middle school? Our rink’s open to everyone, although you’ll have to bring your own skates.
Don't: Go during “stick and puck” designated times (schedule available online) unless you want to practice hockey or have those who do skate circles around you. For the recreational skater, “no stick and puck” time slots are probably more relaxing.

— Playing —
Do: Play in the snow. Last year, the first big snow yielded 8-foot tall snowmen and a slew of more average ones, so let’s see if we can keep it up this year. Snowball fights are also highly encouraged.
Don't: Do so without proper gear.

— Snowshoeing —
Do: Try snowshoeing. It might not bring the thrill like tearing down Allen at the Snow Bowl, but it’s still athletic. A snowy Vermont is a beautiful Vermont, and snowshoeing through it allows you to take it in with more detail.
Don't: Expect it to be easy. Don’t wait too long to borrow snowshoes from MMC gear hours — they go quickly!

— Free Time —
Do: Take advantage of your free time. Do the things that you might never have time to do during the regular semester. Read a book or watch a movie. Go/calendar to find out about talks, panels, movies, performances and commons events going on all the time.
Don't: Fill up every minute with workshops, skiing, class, homework, and activities. It’s J-term, but it’s also time to relax if you can.

— Travel —
Do: Consider a weekend trip to Montreal or a day trip to Burlington. Getting out of the Middlebury bubble can be refreshing, and each city offers enough shopping, eating, recreation, and sights to last you a couple days at least. If you desperately need to get out and rave, the annual January Igloo-fest happens in Montreal from January 13-29.
Don't: Try to cram too many people into a Montreal hotel room and forget to see the cities during the daytime.

— Sledding —
Do: Go sledding. Don’t forget that we don’t have to go all the way to the Snow Bowl to fly down hills at high speeds; we’ve got our very own sledding hill in front of Mead Chapel, and it’s almost always open for business. Additionally, Lincoln Gap offers allows one to sled down a hill for over a mile. Check out the Local section for more information on the Mountain Club sledding trip to the Gap.
Don't: Forget that there are trees on this hill and that your sleds often lack reliable steering capabilities. Plan accordingly.

— Skiing —
Do: Shred some gnar. There’s no point bragging to your friends about the fact that Middlebury has its own ski mountain if you don’t use it, right? Shuttles leave seven times per day from Adirondack circle and student pass rates have not increased this year (although passes for others have shot up in price), so take advantage of one of the coolest aspects of our school.
Don't: Forget about options outside of the Snow Bowl, because we’re not just talking about downhill. Middlebury has a beautiful Rikert Ski Touring Center at Breadloaf, and there’s no reason not to explore that as well. In order to get cheaper rentals, join the SKIGA Nordic Ski Club. Registration ends on Jan 15.
Additionally, Stowe, Sugarbush and Mad River Glen (sorry boarders) are within easy driving distance. The Snow Bowl is convenient, but it’s also fun to try something new.

— Fashion —
Do: Make sure you’ve invested in good winter shoes. Good traction trumps all in Vermont. Wipeouts aren’t fun, and good boots will make everyone’s J-term better.
Don't: Choose fashion over function. You’ll end up disliking the snow more if you’ve unintentionally fallen into it.

from the

1. Monday 17th
Capture the Flag (8PM)
2. Tuesday 18th
Fortress Building/Snowball War (war commences at 4:30PM)
3. Wednesday 19th
Iron Chef (5PM)
4. Thursday 20th
Fireside @ Brooker (7PM)
