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Friday, May 3, 2024

Midd for Play promotes a fun and active lifestyle

Author: [no author name found]

While some students spent the bitterly cold Winter Term huddled in line for the ski lift at the Snow Bowl and others drank away the chill in their dorm rooms, one group of 50 braved the cold, fostered their competitive nature and lined a snow-covered Battell Beach in hopes of receiving an alternative and effective workout. Were they prepping for Get Outside Week? Preparing for boot camp? Going crazy? No, they were participating in a large - albeit freezing - game of Capture the Flag organized by Middlebury's latest athletic club-in-the-making, Midd for Play. Features Editor H.Kay Merriman sat down with Zach Howe '11, the founder of the group, to learn what inspired this exercise experience that recalls games from our childhoods.

The Middlebury Campus: Explain Midd for Play.
Zach Howe: It's an exercise group that meets every weekday afternoon to work out together. We do something different every day of the week, like running, biking or soccer. It has a pretty informal vibe and the intensity of your workout is very individualized; for example, I'm still learning how to swim, while others are already really good.

TC: What inspired you to start this group?
ZH: I felt like everyone at this school (including myself) ran cross country in high school or has really liked soccer since she was 5, but decided not to continue the sport in college for various reasons. We still want to be in shape, and we are still attracted to the idea of scheduled, consistent exercise. I wanted a club sport for general fitness, I guess, that gives a more intense, regular workout than the club sports, but retains the fun character of them.

TC: What activities have you done?
ZH: Every week we run, swim and go to the weight room once each. On the other two days we do more fun things like Capture the Flag or rock climbing.

TC: Who attends?
ZH: At this point, its mostly just my friends who come and often my friends' friends.

TC: Explain your efforts to make this a school-sponsored club.
ZH: I submitted a constitution to the SGA Finance Committee in November, and they said I needed to throw an event to make sure there was interest in the club. So I just threw the event over J-term on the coldest day of the year and managed to get over 50 people there. Now I have to submit my constitution again in a couple weeks. Hopefully I'll weasel my way into a booth at the Student Activities Fair, too.

TC: Why is Midd for Play important for Middlebury Students?
ZH: We all like to exercise and we all like to join an irresponsible number of clubs. I want Midd for Play to give people a healthier way to exercise on this campus. It's about both personal commitment and a kind of team mentality. It's both for work and for play. It's about a healthy approach to fitness. Everyone works however hard they want once we start going, but the club gives you a reason to get out there everyday. You also can't play Red Rover by yourself.

Midd for Play is currently run mostly through Facebook. If interested, join the group - or simply join in when you spot them running around campus and chasing each other in the snow.
