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Friday, May 3, 2024

Local camp seeks counselors

Author: [no author name found]

Stephanie Loscalzo is the recruiter from Camp Morty, a residential summer camp that runs for six weeks in New York State. Camp Morty is looking to hire approximately 20 to 24 students for a variety of positions. The camp will run from June 28 to Aug. 19 and applications are accepted on a first-come, first-serve basis until June 1. Features writer Lia Gao spoke to Loscalzo on Feb. 10.

The Middlebury Campus: So what exactly is Camp Morty?
Stephanie Loscalzo: It is a residential summer camp sponsored by the Westchester County Department of Parks and the Department of Social Services. Campers range from 8 to 13 years old and are brought to the camp through Social Services. One thing the camp does especially is reunite siblings who were separated through Social Services.

MC: What positions are you looking to fill?
SL: We are looking to hire camp counselors and program specialists. We are also looking for a couple of interns as well, depending on the amount of interest.

MC: What do the jobs entail?
SL: The camp counselors would mainly work closely with the kids, living in yurts with the campers. Counselors will help facilitate and lead campers to their activities. The program specialists would run the camp activities, such as music, drama, nature education, athletics and high and low ropes. Prospective specialists should have experience in the department that they are interested in. We are also looking for lifeguards and a camp nurse. The interns would have slightly different tasks. We have internships for those who maybe don't want to be as hands-on and would like to see the administration side of things. Interns would be more like floaters, working with the kids when it's needed, running workshops on the weekends and shadowing the administration the rest of the time.

MC: Is there any time off?
SL: Counselors will have 24 hours off every weekend, except for a two-week period in the middle of the session when we bring in additional campers. They can take this time to go to New York. Since we are located a mere 45 minutes outside of New York City, we provide vans to take counselors into the city on weekends as well.

MC: Is this job voluntary or a paid position?
SL: While the county provides the camp and the camp itself is run by the Department of Social Services, the positions are paid ones. Counselors will receive $2,000 for the summer and specialists will get $4,000. The pay for interns is still to be determined and based on our financial situation, we may or may not provide a stipend. Additionally, all room and board is provided for as well.

MC: Where can I find the applications?
SL: You can find the application online at If there are any questions, applicants can also e-mail me at or Jeff Main at After applications are received, we will contact applicants within 10 days for interviews and to inform them of our final decisions.
