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Saturday, May 4, 2024

Creative Cuisine It's Time to Pamper Yourself, You Dessert It

Author: Emily Lord and Caitlin Vaughn

Ahh, yes. The Final Stretch. We return to campus just as the buds of spring burst into bloom, the birds chirp, the leaves unfold, and nature renews itself. Oh, wait. Never mind. For MiddKids, the beginning of April usually means more snow, and this year is no exception. Mother Nature was clearly playing an April Fool's joke. You return from Spring Break, tan but not particularly well rested, expecting, at the very least, to have the psychological relief of blue skies and warm days, and instead you are thrust back into the academic grind with no balmy afternoons to comfort you. We're here to help.
As the midterms are returned and the work level begins once again uphill towards finals, it is more important than ever to keep stress levels down. There are, of course, the obvious cures: more sleep, more exercise, more personal time, more fresh fruits and vegetables. Cures the college students were obviously prescribed by people who did not attend a college like Middlebury (or who have put a mental block on their long ago, traumatic multiple-all-nighter-paper-writing days for psychological stability later on).
One of the best ways for Middlebury students to stay sane during these busy times is to multitask. Most of us have honed this ability through the wonderful world of AOL Instant Messenger. We can write that Poli Sci paper, dutifully check in with the fam, flirt with our boy/girlfriends, and keep abreast of the stock market all at once.
So whether attempting to read Plato on the treadmill or diagramming the stages of mitosis on the bathroom mirror while brushing your teeth and waiting for your laundry to dry, multitasking is the key to saving those precious minutes that you can use to fit in the very important break from the stresses of the day, the Proctor marathon meal with your best buddies. Not to say that we should combat stress with food, but there is something to be said about the little pleasures, and that sweet indulgence at the end of the day.
And as the great scholar once said, "Man cannot live by fro-yo alone!" Or was it bread? Well, here are a few different desserts to add a little sweetness, spice and oomph to your day.
Schieffy's Yogurt Extravaganza: It is recommended by the cook to do this on a plate for it will appear more gourmet. On a plate, add a large spoonful of yogurt, a small handful of raisins and granola, and top with shredded coconut and brown sugar.
G's Smores Galores: In a bowl combine Golden Grahams, marshmallows and chocolate chips. Put in microwave for 45 seconds, stir, and enjoy!
Emily's Applesaucy: Combine Applesauce, cinnamon & sugar, raisins and granola (or other cereal - Lucky Charms, however, will leave you with a strange-colored goo) in a bowl. Put in microwave for about 30-45 seconds until hot. It is especially nice on the snowy Vermont evenings, like those in early April.
Gone Bananas: In a bowl combine a few scoops of brown sugar and a large spoonful of butter. Cook in the microwave for a minute or two, until the butter is melted and sugar dissolved. Then slice a banana into pennies and pour the sauce over. Heat again for another 30 seconds. Can be flavored with nutmeg or cinnamon.
Cream Cheese Please: Whip together a large scoop of cream cheese, a scoop of brown sugar, and a few spoonfuls of caramel sauce in a bowl. This dip is really tasty on apples!
Ice Cream Tip: If you have reached your Oreo topping saturation point on ice cream or frozen yogurt, maple syrup is a really delicious alternative.
