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Saturday, Aug 31, 2024


The Setonian

AVANT-GARDE POLITICS Muddy Consciences, Dirty Minds

Author: Ben Gore A young man and a young woman lie naked in the cool darkness of the third floor of Forest West. They speak in quiet tones as Mozart plays, almost inaudibly, in the background."Some friends of mine took me mountain biking up near the Snow Bowl yesterday," he says."That must have been ...

The Setonian

College Does Offer Varied Services for Rape Victims

Author: Ann Hanson, Dean of Student Affairs There have been many letters and opinion pieces appearing in The Campus in the past two weeks that have focused on sexual assault or rape at Middlebury. I welcome this dialogue. The issue of rape is serious, and ending this type of violence will require the ...

The Setonian

King Agrees With Concept of 'Neutral Tolerance' For Ideas

Author: Kevin King Herbert Marcuse strikes back! For those of you scratching your heads right now, wondering what I mean, allow me the time to briefly explain who this man was and what he stood for. Herbert Marcuse, a social critic and philosophical writer of the "New Left" in the 1960s, wrote an essay ...

The Setonian

Production Was No 'Quick Assembly'

Author: Ben Fainstein I feel compelled to write a few words regarding the review printed in the March 6 issue of The Campus about the Musical Players' production of "How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying!" I directed the show, and therefore I believe myself to be something of an authority ...

The Setonian

Stop Fighting, Take Action, Give Options

Author: Danielle Perkins A debate has recently been spurred by Senior Kevin King's article regarding the pop quiz posters. Myself, as well as other Campus readers, have watched people battle with letters over the meaning of the article and sometimes even the point of the posters. I do not wish to enter ...

The Setonian

African-American Studies Opens Doors of Understanding

Author: Drew Bennet First, I would like to commend The Campus' staff editorial for finally taking a controversial stand on an issue rather than spouting moderate rhetoric overly informed by the Student Government Association (SGA) and policies favored by the administration as per their usual method. ...

The Setonian

STAFF EDITORIAL Breaking Through the Impasse

Author: [no author name found] In the past few weeks, the Middlebury College community has witnessed a swell of activism and awareness surrounding rape on campus. This has come from a wide range of anonymous sources in the form of numerous posters addressing the issue as well as gender inequalities ...

The Setonian

Shocking Posters Should Spur Support

Author: Alexa Varriano A crime has been committed on this campus. A heinous atrocity. Period. The fact that a person could have understood the "pop quiz" poster as declaring warfare against men on a battleground where the two sexes are pitted against each other rather than against rape absolutely disgusts ...

The Setonian


Author: [no author name found] To The Editor:The words and ideas in Kevin King's article titled "Pop Quiz: Who's Fighting Here?" from the March 6 edition of The Campus have found equality with murder, as they have uplifted the predator and vilified the victim. They have aided rapists on this campus, ...

The Setonian

Metter Puts in His Two Cents on Hot Topics Around Campus

Author: Todd Metter Okay, so since I haven't written in a while, I figured that I would do this piece Larry King style and just get my two and a half cents in on all the topics that are hot here at the College … Also, it's always nice to see how much trouble I can stir up with this approach — since ...

The Setonian

Choudhury Slams King's Article as Prejudiced and Irresponsible

Author: Andaleeb Choudhury I find it hard to understand how someone, who, ostensibly, seems to be a perfectly normal, intelligent member of our College community could suddenly, one day, sit down and dash off an irresponsible, baseless and, worst of all, prejudiced article such as the one published ...

The Setonian

Rape Does Happen in the Middlebury Bubble

Author: Chris Shields Rape happens at Middlebury! Sorry to burst anyone's bubble who believed that a college as quaint and idealistic as Middlebury was free from sexual assault, but as a community we must stand and deal with the issue of sexual assault on our campus. It is in this spirit that I respond ...

The Setonian

"Pop Quiz" Posters Spread Awareness

Author: Elizabeth Brookbank I too am offended and disgusted by the "pop quiz" posters put up all over campus that Kevin King '02 made the subject of his "gender bashing" editorial last week. In fact, the first time I saw that poster it made me sick to my stomach. I was physically ill at the thought ...

The Setonian

Violent Sexual Assaults Are a Reality on Campus

Author: Samantha Severin After reading Kevin King's "Pop Quiz: Who's Fighting Here?" in last week's edition of The Campus, I would like to offer the following response.I am far less concerned with offending the men on this campus than I am with coming to the understanding that violent sexual assaults ...

The Setonian

STAFF EDITORIAL Putting African-American Studies Into Context

Author: [no author name found] The Student Government Association (SGA) petition to establish an African-American Studies major coincides with a renewed national debate about the relevance of such programs at institutions of higher education. In theory, the SGA initiative to create this new major to ...

The Setonian

Hitting Foul Balls On College Street

Author: Ben Gore On the far fringe of human thought, all divisions are meaningless. When you move beyond Democrats and Republicans, socialism and capitalism, punk rock and boy bands, you move into a realm where all facets of existence are simply about existence. Music is about life. Economics is about ...

The Setonian

Loving Middlebury, Quirks And All

Author: Michael Stahler Junior Year Abroad. It is an opportunity for Middlebury students to get away from the College and all its quirks, including some interesting late night McCullough dances, and venture out into the larger world for a peek. As I looked into the opportunity, I did not fully understand ...
