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Sunday, Sep 1, 2024


The Setonian

Wellstone and the Nuclear Question

Author: [no author name found] When a plane carrying Paul Wellstone crashed over Minnesota two weeks ago, America lost a courageous statesmen and a determined advocate. But for the Northeast, which is home to the highest concentration of nuclear power plants in the country, the loss carries special ...

The Setonian

EDITORIAL Beyond Compliance and Tolerable Dialogue

Author: [no author name found] Beyond ComplianceIt takes little more than a sprained ankle and a pair of crutches to know the difficulty of navigating this campus. Doors are heavy, stairs are many and the hills, when icy, are dangerous to even those without physical disabilities. Some of these elements ...

The Setonian

McCabe Defends Dining Hall Complaints YET AGAIN

Author: [no author name found] In his editorial ("Reflections from Med School on the Value of a Liberal Arts Education," The Middlebury Campus, Oct. 30, 2002), Danny Choi '01 noted that "at the risk of opening healing wounds" he wanted to address the dining issue I first brought up two months ago. Choi ...

The Setonian

Student Sparks Discussion on Homophobia at Middlebury

Author: [no author name found] In the wake of the destruction of the Middlebury Open Queer Alliance closet, I have been encouraged by the vocal response and criticism of certain members of the faculty, the Student Government Association and the College administration. Their refusal to label the vandalism ...

The Setonian

COLUMN Holt's Harangue

Author: Christian Holt Two weekends ago, I went shopping. This only occurs twice a year. Every time I'm either conned into doing it by an attractive friend of the opposite sex, or have run out of deodorant. Lucky for her, it was only the former. So my friends Kate and Maggie went with me to the mall. ...

The Setonian

Student Regets Ross Vandalism

Author: [no author name found] The common perception of vandalism is that people don't think before they smash a pumpkin, destroy a card-swipe machine, or deface the Ross Commons Dining Hall. Yeah, sweet observation Gil. You're such a genius. But I believe people do think before they act ; they realize ...

The Setonian

EDITORIAL A Troublesome Act of Vandalism; An Imperative to Act

Author: [no author name found] A Troublesome VandalismThe destruction of the symbolic closet built by members and friends of the Middlebury Open Queer Alliance (moqa) proved that prejudice, however latent, is still a blight on this campus. Some argue that the closet, destroyed in darkness two weekends ...

The Setonian

COLUMN Holt's Harangue

Author: Christian Holt Halloween: the only other time of the year I can dress up in a cape and hood other than casual Fridays. Personally, I've always wondered where we got such a screwy holiday. So I did something new: I researched. Halloween is taken from "All Hallows Eve," which is a holiday to commemorate ...

The Setonian

Alumnus Comments on the Need for Mutual Respect in Sharing Views

Author: [no author name found] I do not believe that freedom of speech is an absolute, but is guaranteed to the extent that it does not transgress on the rights of others. As an example, no one is permitted by law to willfully or maliciously slander the moral character of another person. I have been ...

The Setonian

President and Student Denounce Acts of Vandalism

Author: [no author name found] I was troubled to learn recently that the Middlebury Open Queer Alliance (moqa) closet, placed outside McCullough last week, was vandalized. Though the perpetrators, however numerous, may eventually be identified, such acts reflect poorly on our entire community. A college ...

The Setonian

Middle Ground

Author: Fahim Ahmed As the nation enters election week, political analysts remain sharply divided over the future of control of the United States Senate and the House of Representatives. With Democrats holding onto its razor-thin majority in the Senate, and Republicans maintaining their slim control ...

The Setonian

COLUMN Holt's Harangue

Author: Christian Holt Finally, it's the time of the year when the leaves are turning. The landscape is a cornucopia of bright yellows, reds and oranges. It's magnificent, and something rather new to me. Like I've said before, I'm from New Jersey. We have fall for about two weeks. We cram in Thanksgiving ...

The Setonian

Conflict Emerges Over Right to Protest and Right to Listen

Author: [no author name found] I have never been a very politically-oriented person, and so I was unsure of how I felt about the protest that took place during the Ari Fleischer lecture on Oct. 13. While I agree that pre-emptive attacks should be avoided, I did not feel that this protest was called ...

The Setonian

Student Reminds That with Rights Come Responsibilities

Author: [no author name found] Protesters from Middlebury College, the town community and from across the state of Vermont, came together at Mead Chapel on the evening of Oct. 13 to demonstrate against Ari Fleischer, Class of 1982 and press secretary to President George W. Bush. In so doing, they exercised ...

The Setonian

Student Asserts Right to Free Speech

Author: [no author name found] Driving back from dinner Sunday night, I had to go through the town of Middlebury around 6 p.m. Something was different on this Sunday, however, and it was then I rolled down my window and turned off the music so I could hear the shouts of protests against Ari Fleischer's ...

The Setonian

EDITORIAL Another "Right to Listen" and A Warm Autumn in Vermont

Author: [no author name found] Another "Right to Listen"Last Sunday's protests may have overshadowed another important event — the building and raising of a symbolic closet by members of Middlebury's Open and Queer Alliance, or moqa. The closet, a colorful and poignant amalgam of slogans and plyboard, ...
