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Saturday, Aug 31, 2024

Arts & Culture

The Setonian

Literary Picks "Goodbye to All That" by Robert Graves

Author: Edward Pickering Autobiographies rarely attain 'classic' status. Most are of the airport newsstand variety. Retired generals and politicians transcribe blow-by-blow testimonials and actors and athletes fill pages with self-pity. The life of these autobiographies is short: they fly off the shelves ...

The Setonian

'February' Marks Redux's First Foray into Film

Author: Chris Richards Three college students endure an icy Middlebury day in a film that intertwines their stories to explore relationships immersed in the awkward, alienating and quirky social world of a small liberal arts college. Clever, subdued performances, striking use of color and images and ...

The Setonian

Poetry On Life in the New Millenium

Author: [no author name found] War debt (on taking my son to college) Amy McGill, associate director of the Center for Educational TechnologyYesterday, it seems, you watched the world heavily from my hip: across the lawn, an old Hmong woman tended her plot, her terraced fields reduced to a tiny square ...

The Setonian

Pianist Arnaldo Cohen Mezmerizes Audience

Author: Richard Lawless The 2002-2003 Middlebury College Performing Arts Series went out with a bang with Arnaldo Cohen's brilliant performance this past Friday at the Center for the Arts. Entering the hall with a personable demeanor, Cohen took a few moments to collect his thoughts before commencing ...

The Setonian

Spotlight on...Andrew Bishop--the King of Cool

Author: Lucie Greene Andrew Bishop '05 seems to be one of those people who simply epitomizes "cool." You know? The sort of person who, with casual indifference, manages to display a skill for singing and performance, possess a distinct gritty voice with amazing stage presence and then - almost by accident ...

The Setonian

'Again, for the First Time' Johnson

Author: Michael Hatch Studio art majors Dave Sharp '03 and Gigi Gatewood '03 opened an exhibition of their independent work titled "Again, For the First Time," last Friday in the Johnson Gallery. On display until Wed., April 30, the exhibit showcases Sharpe's paintings and site-specific sculptures and ...

The Setonian

Sarah Stranovsky A Renaissance Woman for Our Time

Author: Lucie Greene The first thing that strikes you after meeting Sara Stranovsky '04 is her energy. When you contemplate the member of groups she's involved in, it's difficult to imagine how one person could participate in and be talented at quite so much. It was refreshing to meet someone like her ...

The Setonian

AAA Talent Show Flashes Talent and Skin

Author: Suzanne Mozes The African American Alliance (AAA) brought Motown to the Middlebury campus this past Saturday evening in McCullough.At their spring show, co-sponsored by The Office for Institutional Diversity, PALANA, Women of Color and Middlebury Open Queer Alliance, AAA presented "Joining Together ...

The Setonian

Con Man Caught in 'Catch Me If You Can'

Author: Vlad Lodoaba You'd think that people learn something from the experience of banging their head really hard against a wall, but that doesn't seem to be the case with Steven Spielberg. His "A.I." was a crash-and-burn movie, mainly because of its unjustified length and the soporific attempts at ...

The Setonian

Blowin' Indie Wind Pete Yorn--Shedding the Hangover

Author: Erika Mercer "If I try to forget something, that's when I end up remembering it."Pete Yorn's recent release, "Day I Forgot," puts this statement to music. It is the snapshot memory that is indelibly marked on your consciousness, the image or scene from long ago that recurs in your mind. Perhaps ...

The Setonian

Artificial Idol Kelly Clarkson Navigates the Pop Scene

Author: Lanford Beard At this particular moment in pop history, we seem to have transcended pre-fabrication. One too-soon-to-tell, pre-pre-fab success story is Kelly Clarkson, who earned her fame courtesy of a nationally televised talent contest in which she formed a musical persona before releasing ...

The Setonian

'The Fever' Makes Audience Sweat with Self-Awareness

Author: Laura Rockefeller On Saturday afternoon I wandered happily into the Hepburn Zoo Theater and was surprised and delighted to find coffee and a delectable assortment of cookies laid out on a table next to the entrance. I poured myself a much-needed cup of java with plenty of sugar and quickly claimed ...

The Setonian

Literary Picks "Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy" by John le Carre

Author: Edward Pickering John le CarrÈ cuts a patrician figure in the world of spy writing. He has been in the game for a long time - since 1974, in fact, when "Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy" topped bestseller charts across the globe. The novel, the first in a trilogy, is simply sensational. Le CarrÈ, ...

The Setonian

Reigen's Round of Sex, Death, and Love

Author: Pascale LaFountain "We would just like to note that no birth control was used in this performance." Although Richard Lutjens' '03 statement was shocking, it was in no way out of line given the themes of the German Department's play about sexuality and relationships in 1900 Vienna and today. ...

The Setonian

Blowin' Indie Wind "Feast of Wire"- Delicious and Dangerous

Author: Erika Mercer Picture a tawny desert floor, a bare sweep of never-ending dust and dirt. Above it all, a pervasive stretch of sky, a boundless expanse of blueness. Solitary bushes withhold the scorching heat, standing stagnant, determined, caked with dust. Somewhere, a scorpion scuttles hastily ...

The Setonian

"Taken in Marriage" Takes Seeler Theater by Storm

Author: Laura Rockefeller This weekend in Seeler Studio Theater, five extraordinary women re-examined their experiences of friendship, passion, heartbreak, betrayal and hope in the first of this semester's two faculty directed shows, "Taken in Marriage."The play, directed by Professor of Theater Douglas ...

The Setonian

Literary Picks "The Flaming Trees of Thika" by Elspeth Huxley

Author: Edward Pickering Elspeth Huxley's "The Flame Trees of Thika: Memories of an African Childhood" brings to mind a book previously reviewed in this column, "My Family and Other Animals" by Gerald Durrell. In content and sensibility, the two books mirror one another. For readers looking for nonfiction ...

The Setonian

Left of the Dial The Merits of College Radio

Author: Richard Lawless It's a safe assumption that most students at Middlebury College view their time here as an excellent opportunity to expand their horizons. The College's radio station, WRMC, which resides at 91.1 FM on your radio dial, uses this same credo through its promotion of unheard music, ...

The Setonian

Fantasio Charms Francophile Audience

Author: Alexandra Hay On Thursday and Friday evenings, a devoted Francophile audience filed into the McCullough Social Space for the presentation of the French circle's play, "Fantasio." As the play was performed entirely in French, spectators were mostly limited to French professors, students and exchange ...
