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Sunday, May 5, 2024

Series of Unlawful Residence Hall Entries Raises Concern, Spark Public Safety Investigation

Author: Andrea Gissing

Since Oct. 13, the Department of Public Safety, in conjunction with the Middlebury Police Department (MPD), have been investigating a series of unlawful entries made by an unidentified male into the rooms of several Gifford Hall females.
Public Safety received the first report of an intrusion Oct. 13. The male entered the female's room at approximately 4:30 a.m., startled her awake and injured her wrist before he left the room. Subsequent reports indicated that a male of the same description entered two other rooms in Gifford Hall, as well as accosting female residents in the Gifford elevator, that same morning.
Public Safety issued two campus-wide alerts, one Oct. 18 and the other, a follow-up report, Oct. 23.
"We received reports indicating that five rooms were entered, two within one suite," said Elizabeth Boudah, director of Public Safety. "After the first report, the others came in early to midweek, either as a result of the investigation or because of the crime alerts."
In one instance, the suspect indicated that his intentions were sexual. Accounts of the incidents indicate that the suspect was intoxicated or under the influence of some substance.
Public Safety contacted MPD Oct. 18. The case is still under investigation.
"We have some very good leads in the case," said MPD Officer Vegar Boe, one of the officials investigating the incidents. "We just need to tidy up some loose ends before we can make more information public."
"This one [was] unique because this person entered quite a few rooms and made it known that sexual intentions were on his mind," commented Boudah. Difficulties arose when Public Safety could not locate the suspect for an interview as the suspect had left the Middlebury area, an aspect of the case that could be taken over by the MPD. "The MPD has resources and access to information, drivers licenses and descriptions that we don't have access to. Their support helps to make sure we [at Public Safety] are doing the best job possible."
While the seriousness of the incidents must not be minimized in any way, it should be noted that they were isolated cases.
"The actual event was serious enough that the College feels that it has to be addressed," said Matthew Longman, dean of Wonnacott Commons. "There was unlawful entry, the student was awakened and physical contact was made. The investigation yielded solid results, and it is moving towards a judicial board hearing. Other information is confidential at the present time." However, Longman stated that the lives of the students in Gifford have not been disrupted. "As the incidents unfolded, my sense is that it hasn't been a grave concern for most residents. A curiosity, but not something that has made students very afraid."
Another student reported that she heard someone trying to enter her room but was unable to because the door was locked. Boudah commented that the main thing people have to understand with this incident is that there are reasons to lock the door. "Pay attention to people in buildings, report things that are odd. If you feel uncomfortable, there's usually a reason for that. Big steps in preventing incidents like this include crime reporting [such as the alerts sent out] and to promote crime awareness. Both will discourage this type of incidents."
Longman stated that situations of this form are all unique. They help people realize that they have to be aware of what is going on and while Middlebury is a safe place, incidents like these do occur. While not being able to eliminate incident like these, Longman said, "the new card system will retain the best parts of what the Middlebury experience [in terms of the open access to the campus] has been while still being responsible for and ensuring student safety. Middlebury should be a safe space that protects the health, safety and wellness of the community in all aspects of life."
