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Saturday, Jul 27, 2024


The Setonian

Some Students Content With New Dining Hall Experience

Author: [no author name found] There was a minor banquet awaiting students in the Ross Dining Hall on Monday at lunchtime: shrimp and satan stir-fries were simmering in one corner, while elsewhere students could choose between two kinds of wrap sandwiches, two kinds of pizza, black bean chili or chili ...

The Setonian

EDITORIAL Acting on its Charge

Author: [no author name found] Among the many topics that dominated campus news last spring, none provoked more vociferous discussion than the College's policy on sexual assault. From a debate that initially took place silently on posters on the walls of academic buildings and residence halls and in ...

The Setonian

EDITORIAL A Dangerous Silence

Author: [no author name found] The College — administrators in Old Chapel and of the commons system and the staff of the Center for International Affairs, specifically — should be commended for their forethought in inviting two speakers of note to campus in the last three weeks, Elie Wiesel and, ...

The Setonian

Red Cross Blood Drive is Discriminatory Against Gays

Author: Kristina Rudd I am concerned about Atwater Commons' sponsorship of the American Red Cross Blood Drive on Monday, Sept. 23. The blood drive is indeed a worthy cause, but I wonder if Middlebury College is aware of the policies of the American Red Cross concerning homosexual men. According to ...

The Setonian

Young Alumni Leader Nostalgic About Middlebury Days The View From the Outside is Not One of Dining Complaints, but Rather Envy of Student Lifestyle. A Middlebury Alumnus Puts Things in Perspective

Author: [no author name found] What an outstanding weekend. Usually I grocery shop and do laundry, but last weekend I attended Middlebury's Alumni Leadership Conference. The fact is I'm an alumnus from the class of 1999; I'm not sure about leadership, though. Coupling an invitation to Middlebury with ...

The Setonian


Author: [no author name found] To the Editor: I recently received a mailing from Middlebury College asking, on its cover, whether I am "e-conscious." This apparent effort at environmental activism on the part of the College pleased me immensely. That is, until I opened the letter. Inside, to my surprise, ...

The Setonian

EDITORIAL Stepping Away from Scandal

Author: [no author name found] Stepping Away from ScandalA number of highly-publicized episodes this summer revealed that throughout much of the 1990s the net of corporate malfeasance was cast far and wide. From GE's Jack Welch to Adelphia's John Rigas, chiefs of some of America's biggest businesses ...

The Setonian

Lines of Unsurprising Consequence

Author: [no author name found] There are numerous rites associated with the beginning of each fall semester. Leaves turn and fall to the ground; campus libraries buzz anew with the sounds of tapping keys and the shuffle of books against study carrels; and students wait in long lines at the College's ...

The Setonian

Shelving Workers' Rights in the War on Terror

Author: Cori Loew In the early morning hours of July 28, a miracle occurred as rescuers pulled the "Quecreek Nine"— coal miners trapped in a flooded shaft 240 feet underground — to safety after their 77-hour ordeal. Addressing the miners, their families and the rescue workers the following week, ...

The Setonian

Editorial Understanding Normalcy in a Time of Crisis

Author: [no author name found] One year after the September attacks, Americans, for the most part, have restored normalcy in their lives. On the one hand, this return to normalcy is comforting: it indicates the resiliency of the American spirit, a spirit that was touted heavily by public figures in ...

The Setonian

College Confronts Student Summer Workers Over Language Pledge Language School administration seeks to reinforce language pledge to include English-speaking student summer workers. Workers believe this is a breach of their rights as Middlebury students

Author: [no author name found] Summer Workers Demand Respect from Language SchoolsVinay Jawahar '03The slogan "No English Spoken Here," the Language Schools' pride and joy and raison d'etre, is a noble and praiseworthy ideal to aspire to. The Language Schools administration must be commended on its ...

The Setonian

Allies of Israel Support Thirty-Five Years of Brutal Occupation

Author: Hosam Mekdad In order to take Mr. Kilchevsky's May 1, 2002, article "Supporters of Isreal are Hardly Blind" seriously one has to believe that he is being tongue-in-cheek about what the Israelis are willing to do for peace. According to him "the vast majority of Israelis, American Jews and their ...

The Setonian

AVANT GARDE POLITICS Who is Utopian? Who is Practical?

Author: Ben Gore "The urge to destruction is also a creative urge." — Mikhail Bakunin"Argentina is on the brink of anarchy." — Argentine President Eduardo DuhaldeArgentina is currently in the midst of a complete political and financial breakdown. The middle class have lost their savings, the economy ...

The Setonian


Author: [no author name found] To The Editor:Recently, Hillel has been the target of censure because they use the slogan, "Wherever we stand, we stand with Israel." Most of the complaints have pointed to the fact that this is a 'blind' statement that does not take into consideration Israel's controversial ...

The Setonian

House Termination Could Exacerbate Drunk Driving Problem

Author: Danielle Perkins Has anyone else found themselves wondering where our school is headed? A number of recent issues such as the social houses, parking, the commons and housing, to name a few, seem to be moving in a direction that the student body does not approve. Although I believe all of these ...

The Setonian

STAFF EDITORIAL A Time to Revise and Regroup

Author: [no author name found] The social house system at Middlebury College is an important part of the Middlebury community. It offers outlets for social interaction for all students and has shown, especially this year, that social house members are committed to actively engaging themselves in the ...

The Setonian

Free Markets Need Not Mean 'Parasitic Capitalism'

Author: ohannes Earnharth ’91 Ben Gore is only half right with the World Bank assessment in his column "Good Intentions, Bad Ideas: The World Bank Story" in the April 24, 2002, issue of The Campus. Mr. Gore's criticism of the World Bank and its many failed policies has merit, but through an additional ...
