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Saturday, Jul 27, 2024


The Setonian

COLUMN Holt's Harangue

Author: Christian Holt Honestly, Thanksgiving was a bad idea. It boils my noodle to think that our government had to sit down and approve this as a national holiday. In the days of yore, some ancient senator (probably a contemporary of Reagan) had to have proclaimed, "Hey! Let's make a holiday where ...

The Setonian

Student Opposed to Anti-Smoking

Author: [no author name found] I've never been bothered by smoking at Middlebury College, and I've been here since 1999. My friends haven't had any problems with it either. But some students on campus are currently passing around a petition that will become a bill for the Student Government Association ...

The Setonian

Vermont Nuclear Power Plant

Author: [no author name found] Several years ago, I had the chance to chat with a former captain of an American nuclear submarine. An avowed believer in nuclear power, old clichés like "too cheap to meter" and "the peaceful atom" resonated strongly with him. After a long career in the nuclear Navy, ...

The Setonian

EDITORIAL A Worthy Cause, Poorly Executed and Seeing Where We Lack

Author: [no author name found] A Worthy Cause, Poorly ExecutedOn Thursday, Middlebury College will open its doors to the American Cancer Society for that organization's "National Smoke-Out Day." The event, which is aimed to help cigarette smokers quit smoking, is the latest in a campaign to change the ...

The Setonian

COLUMN Middle Ground

Author: Fahim Ahmed The greatest virtue of democracy is the principle of freedom and liberty that it staunchly defends. And that freedom traverses from chanting slogans against the World Bank in Washington, D.C., to demonstrating against oil drilling in Alaska, to protesting Ari Fleischer at Middlebury ...

The Setonian

An Appeal for Equal Criticism

Author: [no author name found] The destruction of the Middlebury Open Queer Alliance (moqa) closet last month prompted responses from the president, the provost and dean of faculty, and the Faculty Council and Staff Council. I have now heard of backlash responses from members of the faculty, the staff ...

The Setonian

Student Distraught by Bigoted Comments Made in Online Forums

Author: [no author name found] I have only read the forum twice in my life. The first time I was so offended, I cried. Slip on a veil of anonymity and it's shocking where people will go, from the objectification of women through top ten lists to jokes about rape to racism and public attacks ...

The Setonian

COLUMN Holt's Harangue

Author: Christian Holt "Just sit right back and you'll hear a tale, a tale of a weekly trip, that started from this New England School, aboard this science ship…" Today I'm going to talk about my Tuesday afternoon geology labs. While all of you are warm and snug in your lectures, I brave the hazardous ...

The Setonian

American Patriotism Should Be Reconsiderd

Author: [no author name found] I am deeply concerned about America's "war on terrorism," especially in light of the recent elections and the passionate arguments put forth by many in favor of the war. It seems that we are making decisions as to how to deal with terrorism not based on logic, but intense ...

The Setonian

Garcelon Spells Out Policy on National Scale

Author: [no author name found] Last Tuesday, the Republican Party disingenuously claimed a national "mandate" after picking up two Senate seats and five House seats in an election in which only 39 percent of eligible voters in the United States voted. What Republican spinmeisters fail to mention is ...

The Setonian

COLUMN Holt's Harangue

Author: Christian Holt The great thing about an opinion column is you get to voice your own views. The great thing about having a humor column is that people generally don't take your opinions seriously. The following views are those of a satirist, not a Democrat or Republican. With that in mind, I ...

The Setonian

The Politics of Complacency

Author: [no author name found] Last Tuesday's election was a terrible illustration of the politics of complacency, and the beginning of the end of politics as we know it. Without the will power to oppose a popular president-select, the Democratic Party had no particularly relevant issues and was slaughtered. ...

The Setonian

Rethinking the Athletic Policy

Author: [no author name found] Does Middlebury really want to assess the value of its students to the College community by group and grade point average? The difference between the 3.05 average for athletes and the 3.29 for Middlebury students as a whole (1999) is, after all, only between fine gradations ...

The Setonian

New Energy Policy is Necessary in Vermont

Author: [no author name found] As drivers make their way north across the Massachusetts border towards Middlebury by way of I-91, a sign sits cheerfully by the highway. "Welcome to Vermont," it reads. But the area can also be defined by another geographical likeness, one that is not marked by any signs. ...

The Setonian

COLUMN The Middle Ground

Author: Fahim Ahmed Two weeks ago, I wrote a commentary in "Middle Ground" predicting a Democratic victory in the Senate. On Election Day, I sat in a crowded TV lounge, watching CNN report close victories for Republican candidates in New Hampshire, Missouri, Georgia and Minnesota. By midnight, it appeared ...

The Setonian

American Foreign Intervention

Author: [no author name found] Today the United States remains the world's lone military superpower. Along with that, a great deal of the world recognizes the United States for attempting to take the moral high ground: this position would easily be undermined by frequent uses of military might. Although ...

The Setonian

COLUMN The Middle Ground

Author: Fahim Ahmed President George W. Bush likes to see things in black and white, as "good" or "evil" and as "moral" or "immoral." In so doing, he has been criticized by detractors as being overly simplistic, politically naïve or even obtuse. Yet, Bush had stood his ground, in his defense of his ...
