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Saturday, Jul 27, 2024


The Setonian

College Draws Fire for Proposal to Limit AP Credits

Author: Deborah Jones I was quite disappointed to read in last week's Campus that the College is considering eliminating credit for Advanced Placement (AP) courses taken during students' high school careers ("College May Discontinue AP," The Middlebury Campus, April 9, 2003). As a graduate of a large ...

The Setonian

Pornography Perpetuates Sexual Violence

Author: Gillian Wood We live in a culture in which being raped and murdered is women's biggest fear and every four days a woman is beaten to death by a man she knows. The celebration of the sexual exploitation of women is the biggest entertainment industry in the nation."The very heartbeat of violence ...

The Setonian

A Continuing Debate North Korea Proves Threatening

Author: Michael Crowley It was with great interest that I read Sara Yun's article in last week's edition of The Middlebury Campus ("America's Focus on Iraq Neglects a North Korean Threat," The Middlebury Campus, April 2, 2003). However, I found the article to be disappointing, one sided and presenting ...

The Setonian

Destruction of Iraq is Not Liberation

Author: Wellington Lyons Saddam Hussein is a ruthless dictator who has maintained power by murdering and torturing many thousands of his political opponents. And yet I am still ashamed at what our government is doing in Iraq. As we inflict our unparalleled military might on one of the weakest armies ...

The Setonian

Democracy After War Unrealistic

Author: Ryan Hisner Pro-war advocates often assume that after the United States has successfully overthrown Saddam Hussein, it will install a benign leader and bring democracy to Iraq. This will, they argue, improve the life of the Iraqi people. But how do we know if this will happen? We could take ...

The Setonian

Middle Ground

Author: Fahim Ahmed As the U.S.-led coalition advances into the streets of Baghdad - signaling the imminent demise of Saddam Hussein's regime - the dogs of war have been unleashed over the control of post-war Iraq. While the military battle over Iraq may conclude in the next few weeks with a coalition ...

The Setonian

Moynihan and Kelly Pass Away

Author: Dan Shea I am going to talk about the war in Iraq. Not about its geopolitical causes or consequences, but about some of the casualties that have occurred during its run. These casualties are the memories of two great Americans, whose deaths this past week were adumbrated by troop movements. ...

The Setonian

Hussein Deemed Indisputably Evil

Author: Michael O'Brien Even as the last cities begin to fall in Iraq, debate on the war continues all over the world - not surprising, given that the entire world will be, and already has been, forever changed by the conflict. Instead of a general move toward clarity of argument, however, almost all ...

The Setonian

War with Iraq Liberal Voice

Author: Wellington Lyons The Pentagon recently denounced "Hussein's rule [as] the worst in world history." As reported by Reuters, Pentagon spokeswoman Victoria Clarke declared Monday that upon liberation, "the Iraqi people will be free of decades and decades and decades of torture and oppression the ...

The Setonian

Letter to the Editor

Author: [no author name found] To the Editor: Last week's edition of The Middlebury Campus published a photograph that we believe is in poor taste ("Springtime Smoke," The Campus, March 19, 2003, p. 4). This newspaper is meant to be a representation of our college community. Both the arrival of spring ...

The Setonian

McCardell in Error Regarding Smoking Policy

Author: Kira Ventura This past September, Students for a Smoke-Free Middlebury (SFSFM), of which I am a member, proposed that all Middlebury residence halls be designated smoke-free. As The Middlebury Campus recently reported, President John McCardell just approved the Community Council's recommendation ...

The Setonian

War with Iraq Conservative Voice

Author: Sam Rodriguez I find it pretty amusing that I am writing an article for the "Conservative Voice" column, as it is typically the column of the Middlebury Republicans. I am a Democrat, and plan to remain one for life. That said, I am currently in full support of taking action against Saddam Hussein. ...

The Setonian

America's Focus on Iraq Neglects a North Korean Threat

Author: Sara Yun As soon as the crisis in Iraq dies down, the American eye will inevitably refocus on the Korean peninsula. So before we are hit once again with abundant headlines dealing with North Korea's monster of a leader, Kim Jong Il, and the evil his communist dynasty is cooking up for the world, ...

The Setonian

Mufti Declares U.S. Foreign Aid Undermines Human Rights

Author: Sahan Mufti America is supposedly fighting this war to ensure human rights, global security and to increase the security of the average American. It claims it is opposed to flouting international law and disregarding U.N. resolutions. One is only to look at the state of present American foreign ...

The Setonian

Diversity Without Divisiveness, Solution for Affirmative Action

Author: Stephen Clarke Having read many opinion pieces on affirmative action and studied the topic from a legal point of view, I believe that there are two key myths that must be dispelled before I can fairly discuss the case for affirmative action.Myth One: The debate over affirmative action is about ...

The Setonian

'Freedom Fries' Reveal U.S. Insecurity, French Virtue

Author: Daryn Cambridge When the First World War broke out in 1914, President Woodrow Wilson initially proclaimed United States neutrality in reference to the European war. It would take the sinking of the Lusitania (1915) that killed over 1,000 people, and the sinking of five U.S. vessels (1917) by ...

The Setonian

Students Propose Day of Awareness

Author: Alexandra Bottemanne and Melanie Mac We propose that Middlebury College support a day of awareness concerning the country's current situation and our relationship to this situation as world citizens. Let us be clear -- we are not asking for the College to take any stance, formal or informal, ...
