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Saturday, Aug 31, 2024


The Setonian

LaRouche Unfit for White House

Author: Jonathan Shapira '02 A political extremist, anti-Semite, Sept. 11 conspiracy theorist and convicted felon came to Middlebury College last Friday. His name is Lyndon LaRouche, and he also happens to be a candidate for the Democratic Party's nomination for president. As an alumnus, I was shocked ...

The Setonian

Making Democracy Work

Author: Bryan Goldberg '05 Since arriving at Middlebury College a little more than two years ago, I have taken more classes in the Japanese Department than any other. Indeed, Japan has always fascinated me, and I look forward to traveling there many times during the course of my life. The thing that ...

The Setonian

Editorial President McCardell Legacy in the Making

Author: [no author name found] President McCardell: Legacy in the Making President John McCardell Jr. resigned his post before a capacity crowd in Mead Chapel Tuesday afternoon. He spelled out his future plans and his hopes for the College with the humility and eloquence that have come to define his ...

The Setonian

Environmentalists Only in Word

Author: Ian Ausprey '04 An April 2002 poll by the League of Conservation Voters found that 47 percent of Americans consider the environment to be a "very important" consideration when at the voting booth.This statistic should excite any American intent on opposing President Bush's controversial environmental ...

The Setonian

A Challenge to Alums

Author: Benjamin Morris '03.5 Every autumn U.S. News and World Report releases its "America's Best Colleges" rankings, and Middlebury earned seventh place in this year's "Liberal Arts Colleges-Bachelor's" category. In President McCardell's words, "If such a list is to exist, I'd rather be on it than ...

The Setonian

BannerWeb Blues 'Hopes Dashed, Smashed, Crashed'

Author: Paul W. Gruber Multi-million dollar technological systems are only as useful as the humans who back them up. Unfortunately, such is the case with Middlebury College's new BannerWeb system. Chances are, if you're reading this, you had problems with registration as well.It's a shame that the College ...

The Setonian

Letters to the Editor

Author: [no author name found] To the Editor: As the world listened to President Bush's idealistic and political redefinition of America's foreign policy in his speech to the National Endowment for Democracy last week, it seems we are forgetting a vital element for well-being: a healthy economy. Prosperity, ...

The Setonian

Editorial Rallying Behind J-Term

Author: [no author name found] The students have spoken. As the faculty launches its review of Winter Term, a commanding majority of respondents to The Middlebury Campus' poll expressed support for the one-month, one-course interlude between the fall and spring semesters. Ninety seven percent said Winter ...

The Setonian

Editorial A Resurgence of Apathy?

Author: [no author name found] Instead of the usual patchwork of opinions, this week's facing page carries a call for submissions. That's because we did not receive a single original opinions piece this week - only responses to past coverage in the form of letters to the editor. The malaise of student ...

The Setonian

Fashion Faux-Pas by the Book of Golzer

Author: Durrell Mack There are only five simple commandments. They are not hard and they should never be broken. Ever. These commandments come from the omnipotent Golzer and I am the prophet that brings you these declarations.Commandment I: Thou shall never wear thy collar up.In case you don't know ...

The Setonian

Editorial The Case of the Disappearing Dining Ware

Author: [no author name found] The Case of the Disappearing Dining Ware - SGA to the Rescue?About 5,186 dining ware items are missing from Proctor and Ross Dining Halls alone. Since the beginning of the year, the Dining Services staff has watched its supplies dwindle, whisked away by students who grab ...

The Setonian

If We Do Not Trust Our SGA

Author: Dixie Delon Sam Rodriguez has not adequately fulfilled his duties as president of the Student Government Association (SGA). The simple fact that my friends and I found out about the original elections this year only when we read that they were cancelled is proof enough that this administration ...

The Setonian

Homophobia Incites Marriage Protection Week

Author: Jillian Weiser On the anniversary of Matthew Shepherd's death, on the heels of Coming Out Week and in the midst of lobbying for a Constitutional amendment that would limit marriage to heterosexual couples, President Bush has created a week that condemns the possibility of same-sex marriage. ...

The Setonian

Middlebury and the 'M' Word

Author: Crystal Belle Once again the word minority has been juxtaposed with the word "unqualified" on the Middlebury campus. As a senior here and most importantly, as a black woman, I sometimes wonder how my fellow academic peers perceive me, or every other minority for that matter. Why are we such ...

The Setonian

Meeting Halfway on the Bridge to GLBTQ Inclusion

Author: Gab Fonseca and Jena Siegel In the Oct. 9 issue of The Middlebury Campus, an anonymous student stated: "I totally support gay rights, but I feel as though most of the events are more focused on the 'in-group' of MOQA members, rather than building bridges with the rest of the school" ("MOQA Colors ...

The Setonian

Recall Rodriguez Constitutioin Doesn't Matter Anyway

Author: Andrew Gustafson Perhaps in our small corner of Vermont we can garner some important lessons from the events of the past few weeks in California. Raging incompetence. Severe apathy. Disregard for constituents. These were charges that Republicans like Tom McClinkock and Arnold Schwarzenegger ...

The Setonian

Conservative Voice Diversity Without Compromise

Author: David Coriell No one would dispute the claim that diversity at Middlebury enhances our educational experience. It's easy to believe we are sheltered up here in the mountains, but the diverse make-up of our student body helps us to open our eyes to a larger world of differing customs, traditions ...
