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Saturday, Jul 27, 2024


The Setonian

CIA Recruiters Face 'Death' Protest

Author: Nicha Rakpanichmanee "If I want to overthrow democratically elected governments, is there a specific department for that?" Wells Lyons '04.5 asked on Monday night at the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) information session, a regular recruitment event sponsored by the Career Services Office ...

The Setonian

Town Commission Reaches Deadlock on College Parking Proposal

Author: Chesley Thurber The clock is ticking for the Middlebury Town Planning Commission. Caught in a three to three voting deadlock, the commission now has five weeks to issue a decision regarding Middlebury College's proposed parking expansions.Public hearings on the parking expansion were officially ...

The Setonian


Author: Liz Lathey Not everyone in the United States wears Carhartts. Who knew? I sure didn't. I was on my MOO trip at the beginning of this year when one of my friends mentioned buying Carhartts since he now lived in Vermont. I didn't really see the connection — they are just pants, and ones that ...

The Setonian

Middlebury Second on Peace Corps List

Author: Bob Wainwright In a letter sent to President John McCardell last month, Peace Corps Chief of Staff Lloyd O. Pierson congratulated the College on being ranked second in the Peace Corps' annual list of small colleges producing Peace Corps volunteers. The Peace Corps defines small colleges and ...

The Setonian

Local Priest Comments on National Crisis Question & Answer

Author: Meghan Michelson Allegations against the Roman Catholic Church have surfaced recently regarding sexual abuse by clergy and the concealment of such incidents in specific pedophilia cases involving nearly 70 priests in the Archdiocese of Boston and the youth they were ordained to serve.Father ...

The Setonian

Faculty Endorses Film and Media Culture Program

Author: Peter Simon The Educational Affairs Committee (EAC) voted unanimously on Monday to approve a new program in Film and Media Culture. The program, which will replace the Film/Video track in the current Theatre, Dance and Film/Video Department, will include various media-related forms besides cinema, ...

The Setonian

Onsdorff, Hunt Announce Candidacies for SGA President

Author: Chesley Thurber Experience Bolsters Hunt's Presidential BidIt is difficult to walk anywhere on campus without feeling the presence of Ginny Hunt '03, or at least without seeing one of her campaign banners. "I don't want to touch a paintbrush again," joked Hunt.Hunt, however, has played a very ...

The Setonian


Author: Meghan Michelson In the week following Spring Break there appears to be a plethora of students who have returned to campus flaunting newly sunned skin and radiantly glowing tans from an exotic island adventure. These tan beachgoers most likely spent many arduous hours lying out in the sun in ...

The Setonian


Author: Andrea Gissing RA's Unionize at UMass-AmherstResident Advisors (RAs) at the University of Massachusetts (UMass) at Amherst voted in March to become the nation's first group of unionized undergraduate employees. They voted to affiliate with United Auto Workers (UAW) Local 2322 after the University, ...

The Setonian

Local Businesses Slosh Through Mud Season

Author: Deborah Jones Vermont, hailed as a natural playground for the continent even before the downhill ski industry was established, has long charmed out-of-staters with its striking mountains and quaint villages. Tourism, it seems, is as deeply rooted in Vermont's economy as milk and maple syrup. ...

The Setonian

College Loses Royalties on Unsolicited Sales

Author: Paul Barnwell With graduation approaching, many parents of Middlebury College seniors have begun ordering personalized announcements to mail to family and friends. But parents beware — the Middlebury sponsored company that sends out order forms, Herff Jones of Cohasset, Mass., was undermined ...

The Setonian

College Notes Decline in International, Overall Applications

Author: Ashley Elpern As applicants for Middlebury College's Class of 2006 hear this week whether they will have the choice of matriculating at Middlebury this fall, the admissions office is in the midst of studying the demographic shifts that occurred in this applicant pool. Overall, 120 less students ...

The Setonian

Alum Donates $1M to International Affairs Center

Author: Nicha Rakpanichmanee The Middlebury College Center for International Affairs (CFIA) recently received a $1 million endowment from the Felix and Elizabeth Rohatyn Foundation, a delayed yet successful result of efforts made during the Bicentennial Campaign, which ended in June 2001. The endowment ...

The Setonian

Council Leak Confirms ADP's 'Uncertain' Future

Author: Claire Bourne A Community Council member leaked confidential information concerning the future of the Alpha Delta Phi (ADP) social house to house members following the Council's March 18 closed executive session, during which the Community Council subcommittee on social and academic interest ...

The Setonian


Author: [no author name found] $12.7 millionAmount the state of Vermont spent on clearing roads and highways of snow and ice during the winter season this year, which is less than last winter's total of $17.8 million. The savings, which is attributed to fewer heavy winter storms, offers little help ...

The Setonian

Pink Eye Emerges During Midterm Stress

Forty-eight cases of conjunctivitis, commonly known as "pink eye," affected many members of the Middlebury College community in March. Although contraction of the ocular disease is not new to the College and the scale of its spread is minor compared to recent outbreaks at Dartmouth College and Princeton ...

The Setonian

Parking Plan Faces Town Resistance

Author: Chesley Thurber After nearly two hours of intense and bitter debate, the Middlebury Town Planning Commission postponed deliberations over Middlebury College's newest parking proposal at its meeting on March 20. The immediate plans to expand parking at the Center for the Arts (CFA) and South ...
