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Friday, Jul 26, 2024


The Setonian

A Hard-Hitting Look at Concussions on Campus

After having been long overlooked as an unavoidable part of playing contact sports, concussions have only recently started to get the attention they deserve. The rise in media coverage is partly a result of recent controversies in sports leagues such as the N.H.L. and the N.F.L, in which athletes have ...

The Setonian

The Nuances of Free Speech on Campus

On Thursday, Nov. 15, Olav Ljosne, senior manager of international operations at Royal Dutch Shell, came to campus to speak on a variety of topics, including the future of energy demand and conflict surrounding oil. Both students and members of the faculty filled the Robert A. Jones ’59 (RAJ) Conference ...

The Setonian

Defining the Role of a Middlebury Professor

One of the College’s greatest strengths lies in its professors. The Princeton Review recently ranked the College seventh in the “professors get high marks” category, a fact that is likely unsurprising to many students here. What is surprising, however, is that a primary criticism that came from ...


The Future of Activism at Middlebury

The Community Judicial Board’s (CJB) recent decision to reprimand those students who were part of the Dalai Lama Welcoming Committee has undoubtedly sparked conversation within the College community. It seems as though much of the chatter surrounding the public hearing that took place last Thursday, ...

The Setonian

Digging Deeper Into Our Political Beliefs

Within the next week, Americans will take to the polls and cast their votes for the country’s next president. Anticipation has been high across the country, and the atmosphere at Middlebury is no exception. One need only stop by Crossroads Café during one of the recent debates to appreciate the fact ...


A False Account of a Real Issue

Change at an institutional level can be frustratingly slow. Recent actions taken by a small group of Middlebury students prove that when such change takes too long, more drastic measures may effectively pique awareness of an issue. In an email sent on Oct 12 to a majority of students, staff and faculty, ...

The Setonian

Is a Green Middlebury a Green Midd Kid?

Middlebury College has the reputation of being one of the most environmentally friendly colleges in the United States. With that in mind, one might assume that the editorial for this year’s “Green Issue” would take the route of applauding or congratulating the College on being a leader in the ...

The Setonian

Expanding Your Liberal Arts Education

A liberal arts education. Trumpeted in the College’s brochures and website, and reinforced by professors and students alike, these few words form the basis of Middlebury’s identity as an institution of higher learning. Increasingly, opportunities like those offered by the Project on Creativity and ...

The Setonian

A Call for Collaboration

This past Saturday night, approximately 100 students flocked to the McCullough Student Center for Jamnesty, an event co-hosted by Verbal Onslaught and Amnesty International. The event entailed an exploration of pressing social issues through various forms of art. Students used spoken word, music, dance ...

The Setonian

Endorsing Benson: Student Power on Campus

When endorsing a candidate for Student Co-Chair of Community Council (SCOCC), it is essential to define the position within the context of the college community. What does this student, a representative elected by peers, actually have the power to do? At first glance, the answer appears somewhat discouraging. ...

The Setonian

Take Back Your Summer

Upon returning to campus every September, students are confronted time and again with some form of the question, "what did you do this summer?" And, after hearing countless responses, a general theme begins to emerge: students don't lose their intensity over the summer. Why else would the most commonly ...

The Setonian


Sometimes the most fruitful forums are those that yield no concrete solutions. The forum in McCullough this past Tuesday addressed alcohol use and dorm damage through a faculty-student discussion in an attempt to address some recurrent issues. The quality and breadth of the dialogue is both promising ...

The Setonian


The last year of a student’s time at Middlebury is distinct in many ways from his or her first three. Socially, seniors are given access to the best housing on campus, and can apply to live off-campus. Academically, they get priority registration and set out to complete work on a degree that has been ...

The Setonian

Editorial - 4/14/11

Rumors often circulate during the mid-months of Spring regarding big events coming to the College. Last week, Old Chapel finally announced our 2011 Commencement speaker will be National Ski and Paralympic Hall of Famer Chris Waddell ’91. The jury is, however, still out on the identity of this term’s ...

The Setonian


When Jay Saper ’13 clicked “Reply All” to James B. Jermain Professor of Political Economy Peter Matthews’ two-department-wide (Economics and Sociology) email advertising an upcoming speaker, he roused a discussion about the College inviting controversial guest speakers to lecture. That he took ...

The Setonian


Whether you hear of it through e-mails from your RA or by looking down your decimated hall, the problem of dorm damage is a reality. With several weeks still remaining in the academic year, the College’s monetary tally for dorm damage exceeds $53,000 — more than the cost of one student’s yearly ...

The Setonian


There are many wonderful things we can, and often do, say about Middlebury students. Our academic knowledge is vast and expanding everyday; our athletes are disciplined and talented, and our teams nearly always competitive; and on the weekends, we know how to cut loose and have a good time. But there ...

The Setonian


As the winter months draw slowly to a close, two sports teams at the College have infused the Middlebury community, both town and gown, with a new, higher tolerance for a long winter season. The men’s basketball and women’s hockey teams will continue their quests for championships this weekend: ...

The Setonian


This past weekend, Middlebury College celebrated its 88th Winter Carnival — continuing the longest-running student-led Carnival in the country. Apart from the much-appreciated three-day weekend, the College sponsored several performances and events. This weekend also marked the triumphant homecoming ...
