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Saturday, Jul 27, 2024


The Setonian

2,512 Students + 32 Trustees = Progress

We owe much of what we enjoy here to the decisions and guidance of the Board of Trustees. But considering how much this group impacts us every day, how well do we really understand the board? While  some student groups engage directly with the trustees through positions like the Student Liaison to ...

The Setonian

Trading Hard Liquor for Hard Questions

Middlebury College likes to drink. Not all of us, certainly, but it is no secret that the collective BAC of this campus rises substantially when Friday night rolls around. We are not unique in this regard – drinking is an endemic part of college culture nationwide. But in the interest of community ...

The Setonian

A Different Kind of Physical Education

We often discuss the need for more community engagement as a student body. We’ve devoted barrels of ink and hours of our time to panels, papers, and symposia. Yet all of that leaves us with little more than a general agreement that something needs to be done differently. We would like to suggest a ...

The Setonian

Close the Computer, Open the Dialogue

We’ve all been there. You’re sitting in class, and someone in front of you is watching the soccer game on his computer or browsing New York Times headlines. Despite your best efforts to focus on the professor, you find your eyes drift as you wonder about the New Jersey Senate race or why Paul Krugman ...


In Response to the 9/11 Flag Incident

As a close-knit liberal arts college tucked gently away in the bucolic Vermont countryside, it becomes easy to think of our actions and the scope of our influence as contained within a bubble. But in truth, our actions on campus reverberate far beyond our small community. The insulation between Middlebury ...

The Setonian

Our Balancing Act

Student newspapers, especially at a place like Middlebury, face many challenges when it comes to our coverage of difficult stories. We exist within a small, transitory and tight-knit community. Middlebury College is a unique space to try and report the news, where the subjects of each story come into ...

The Setonian

From Divestment to Dorm Damage, a Year in Review

Each academic year at Middlebury is slightly different from the previous one. While the College could not run without the hard work of faculty, staff and administrators, it is the student body that ultimately sets the agenda and tone for each year. In other words, students define Middlebury. At liberal ...

The Setonian

Deconstructing the Pipeline Construction

The current debate about the potential expansion of a natural gas pipeline through Vermont to Ticonderoga, N.Y. highlights a seemingly rare instance of conflict between the surrounding community and the College. While the state of Vermont has banned fracking and public opposition to the construction ...

The Setonian

Endorsing Rachel Liddell for SGA President

With the elections for SGA president approaching, the Campus met last Sunday with this year’s trio of candidates, Rachel Liddell ’15, Killian Naylor ’14 and Nathan LaBarba ’14. More so than perhaps any year in recent memory, all three are superbly qualified and, unsurprisingly, all of the candidates ...

The Setonian

Addressing the Attack on Bowdoin

Two weeks ago, the National Association of Scholars (NAS) released a 359-page report criticizing the academics and identity politics of Bowdoin College. The report, commissioned and funded by a potential donor named Thomas Klingenstein, was a scathing attack on Bowdoin’s left-leaning tendencies. One ...

The Setonian

Navigating the Housing Maze

Middlebury students welcome the arrival of spring in many ways, the least pleasant of which may be stress related to housing. As randomly assigned housing numbers are released and superblock applications considered, many students become anxious at the prospect of securing “good” housing for the ...

The Setonian

Deconstructing the Delta Decision

On March 18, Community Council voted to disband Delta. The decision came after the Residential Life Committee conducted its biennial review of Middlebury’s five social houses. Delta was the only social house that the committee recommended for disbandment. While disbanding Delta, formerly known as ...

The Setonian

Honoring the Honor Code

With the review of the College’s Honor Code, which this year includes the Community Forum held this past Monday, March 11 and the forthcoming creation of the Honor Code Student Committee, it is important to take time to assess the effectiveness of the code itself, both in theory and in practice. As ...

The Setonian

Social Houses and the Truth in Marketing

Next Tuesday, Community Council plans to vote on whether Delta, the social house commonly known as ADP and which currently occupies Prescott house, will be disbanded as a recognized social organization. The vote comes in the wake of dorm damage that once again exceeds the maximum set by the College. ...

The Setonian

A More Constructive Liberalism

Last week, members of Middlebury’s IntraVarsity Christian Fellowship hung posters across campus that sparked complex considerations of religion — “Jesus was either a liar, a lunatic or exactly who he said he was,” for example — in order to attract students to join in on group meetings. At ...

The Setonian

Horsemeat and Gypsies: the New State-Endorsed Xenophobia

Romania joined the European Union on Jan. 1, 2007. Despite adhering three years after the majority of Eastern European countries, the country is still considered to be part of the fifth wave of expansion. The delay was due to widespread concern surrounding Romania’s high-level of organized crime and ...


Park at Your Own ($50) Risk

The recent increase in fines for parking violations — from  $10 to $50 for a single ticket — brings our attention to the complex relationship between students and Public Safety officials at the College. Public Safety plays an important role by protecting students, faculty and staff and working ...

The Setonian

Happy Valentine's Day — Please Get Tested

Today is Valentine’s Day. No matter how you feel about this “holiday” — whether you love it, hate it or try to forget about it — Feb. 14 usually makes us think about love. And, even though the two are not necessarily or always related, love often makes us think about sex. Most college students, ...

The Setonian

Take a Stake in the Divestment Debate

This academic year, there has arguably been no bigger issue on the minds of Middlebury students than divestment. The topic polarizes us at times. Some argue that as an institution with a pledged commitment to environmental and social justice, Middlebury should put its money where its mouth is. Divesting ...

The Setonian

Peering Through the Portal

About one year ago, the College launched a new site — ‘go/portal’ — in order to aggregate information about events and activities on campus. The initiative aimed to provide a single, comprehensive resource for students, many of who were tired of their inboxes being inundated daily with all-student ...
