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Sunday, Sep 1, 2024



Revise, Don't Reject, the Honor Code

Over the past few years, many students and faculty have expressed their frustration over the efficacy – or lack thereof – of Middlebury College’s flagship moral doctrine, the Honor Code. Cheating has thrived while students’ willingness to report one another for such offenses seems rarer and ...

The Setonian

Recalculating the Gender Gap

Last week Erin defined feminism more or less as a movement towards equality, as it should be. I think everybody agrees, whether or not a person identifies him/herself as a “feminist,” that women should be equal to men in the eyes of the law. That having been said, I find Erin’s classification ...


Condolences and Thanks

We at the Campus would like to extend our condolences to the five students who lost their house in the fire over the weekend. We are deeply relieved that all the students are safe but heavyhearted for the losses that they have sustained.  We are also profoundly grateful to the efforts of the Middlebury ...


Solving the Rising Demand for Economics

  An unprecedented number of Middlebury students are declaring economics majors. As featured in last week’s edition of the Campus, however, the College’s faculty supply is currently unable to meet this student demand. Between overenrolled classes and overworking professors, there are many problems ...


Admissions Transparency: Pros and Cons

After an article in the Campus last week revealed that students could view their admissions files under the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), the College Admissions Office has been flooded with student requests to view their files. On Wednesday, the first students to request access ...


Weighing New Developments in Housing

Last Tuesday, representatives from Kirchoff Campus Properties, the Dean of Students Office and Facilities Services unveiled new plans for a long-awaited housing project. The proposed Adirondack Apartments and new Ridgeline construction will be available in 2016’s upperclassmen housing lottery. These ...


Making Affordability a Priority

Not long ago, Middlebury was one of the most expensive schools in the United States. We charged a higher comprehensive fee than any of our peers and, as a result, began to accrue a reputation of extreme wealth and financial exclusivity. Then, in 2009 the school adopted its CPI+1 policy. The program ...


‘Fiscal’ Education Credits

Of all the ways to divide a student body, Middlebury often finds itself separated into two camps: athletes and NARPs (non-athletic regular person). Student culture plays a large role in perpetuating this divide — often the Middlebury party scene falls along team lines — but administrative and monetary ...

The Setonian

New Logo is a No Go

Last Wednesday, students who opened up the webpage found themselves looking at a baffling new logo.  With the start of the New Year, the College has rolled out a new visual icon and brand identity system for the College and its affiliate institutions. The new logo – a shield featuring ...


Give JusTalks Staying Power

It is only two weeks into Winter Term, and JusTalks has once again hit the ground running. Between their keynote speaker, Robin DiAngelo, and their main event, which drew over 100 first-years in its third year running, many members of the Middlebury community were able to dive headlong into important ...


Remembering Ferguson at Midd

In 20 years, our children may ask us where we were when Michael Brown was shot. When Darren Wilson’s non-indictment was handed down. When people took to the streets because they have had enough police brutality, dead children, distorted justice and militarization. Michael Brown’s death was a wake-up ...


A Warm Welcome to President Patton

After months of speculation, the College announced our 17th president on Tuesday — Dr. Laurie Patton, the current dean of the College of Arts & Sciences at Duke University. In last week’s editorial, we laid out the qualities we wished to see in our next president, and in all of these areas, ...


A Successful Successor

Ever since President Ronald D. Liebowitz announced he would step down at the end of the current school year, the Presidential Search Committee has been emailing the Middlebury Community updates as they search for his replacement. The most recent update, which was sent at the outset of the school year, ...


After A Good Start, It’s Up To Us

  The relationship between students and the administration is like any other: it needs constant communication to be healthy. Last Sunday, in recognition of a general discontentment in the student body, President Liebowitz held an open forum about social life on campus. That Liebowitz opened this ...


Repairing Trust With Our Neighbors

Student behavior over Homecoming weekend struck a nerve for many townspeople in Middlebury who were affected by the large and rowdy party on Weybridge St. Angry responses flooded in via Front Porch Forum — an email-based community bulletin — causing Bill Burger, the College’s Vice President for ...


Respecting All Identities

Everyone is anxious on the first day of school. You walk into a new classroom, you scan the room in the hopes you know some people, you pray the syllabus is reasonable, then your professor walks in, starts to take roll and you settle into the swing of it. But for gender nonconforming students, this ...


Changing the Way We Yak

Editor’s Note: The following text contains vulgarity. It seems innocuous. An app where you can post something witty, watch it get up-voted and monitor your karma score changing as people respond. But this seemingly harmless “fun” often comes at the expense of members of our community.   When ...


Inclusion: More Than Acceptance Letters

Over the last 10 years, accessibility and diversity have become buzzwords in higher education. They are the benchmarks for admissions — signs that elite colleges and universities are doing more than simply securing a future for the already privileged in an era of diminishing social mobility and growing ...

The Setonian

Mistakes Were Made

 From SGA to Community Council, we have a system of student liaisons to the administration whose key purpose is to keep the two groups on the same page. Yet last week we were all surprised to receive an email announcing that alcohol would no longer be allowed at tailgating events. Though students are ...

The Setonian

It’s Got Our Vote

This is a public service announcement: registering to vote and voting absentee is now easier than ever thanks to Middlebury College’s recent partnership with TurboVote, a nonpartisan, nonprofit that mails students pre-filled out registration forms and vote-by-mail applications and sends text and email ...
