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Saturday, Jul 27, 2024


The Setonian

Community Dinner on Sexual & Relationship Respect

Dear Editors, I’m writing today to discuss the role that the Student Government Association (SGA) plays in addressing sexual and relationship respect. Last year, after a series of conversations with other institutions in the Northeast, the SGA decided to increase its commitment to promoting sexual ...

The Setonian

Liberating the Liberal Arts

Last Friday, the Middlebury faculty voted to indefinitely renew the Pass/D/Fail program. The program permits students to take two courses for college credit, receivng a “Pass,” D or “Fail” in lieu of a traditional grade. The faculty also extended the deadline to invoke the Pass/D/Fail option ...

The Setonian

A Call for Compassion

To say cultural appropriation is a challenging topic to address in a way that does justice to all perspectives would be an understatement. We cannot resolve this issue. We will fail to engage perfectly or properly. But we will make a compassionate attempt to engage on this issue and offer our thoughts ...

The Setonian

Stress and the Student Body

As the end of the semester draws near, a familiar topic bubbles to the surface of everyday conversation: stress. The student body, as a collective, is stressed. But we are less certain on precisely why students are stressed and how to combat it. The answers to “why” and “how” are numerous and ...

The Setonian

Beyond the Blackout

Across the United States, controversies are erupting over race relations on college campuses. The responses to these controversies reflect a range of emotions — from revulsion to surprise and even defiance that such issues still plague our nation. These outside events are incredibly relevant to our ...

The Setonian

Students Need a Seat at the Table

This past Friday, the Middlebury faculty met for its monthly session to discuss the AAL requirement and whether or not to renew the pass/D/fail option. Representatives from the Campus and the SGA were present, as is sanctioned by the College’s bylaws. When the conversation turned to student stress, ...

The Setonian

Time to Divest

As the last trees on campus dramatically change from green to gold, it is hard for members of the Middlebury community to lose sight of their natural surroundings. In fact, such a pristine backdrop makes it clear why the College was inspired to found the nation’s first Program in Environmental Studies, ...

The Setonian

Resting on Our Lauries

On Sunday, Middlebury College officially inaugurated its first female president. We celebrated the occasion with fireworks, panel discussions like “Race, Gender and Inequality” and a “Nobly Served: Leading Women of Middlebury College” exhibit put together by Special Collections. In her inaugural ...

The Setonian

Sign Your Name

Last week, the Black Students Union (BSU) was the target of anonymous campus vandalism. Posters they had hung up raising awareness for Middlebury’s black community were defaced with comments reading “racist” and “promotes hate!” Two weeks ago, in another act of anonymity, a student established ...

The Setonian

Meet the Editors - Fall 2015

In this Sunday, October 4th 2015 broadcast, the editors of The Middlebury Campus join host Nathaniel Wiener to discuss their plans for the paper during the 2015-2016 academic year and discuss the week's editorial, "Disrupt the Finance Pipeline". [embed][/embed] ...

The Setonian

Disrupt the Finance Pipeline

Finance. A profitable, secure industry – alluring to many. But often the source of allure begins and ends with just that – security and profit. This year’s recruiting season for the financial industry has already begun. Many students are scheduling interviews and marking information sessions on ...

The Setonian

Zero Tolerance: Here or Anywhere

On July 10, 2015 a Middlebury student was expelled from the College after an internal investigation found him guilty of sexual assault. The student, “John Doe,” unsuccessfully appealed this decision twice and yet today remains enrolled here for the fall semester. Doe was allowed to return to campus ...

The Setonian

The Coddling of the Middlebury Mind

In her column in this week’s Campus, President Laurie Patton stresses the importance of resilience. “Resilience,” she writes, “is one of those words we think we know, but we don’t necessarily stop to reflect on.” Starting this year, she writes, the Middlebury community will “embark on ...


Taking a Moment to Reflect

As the school year comes to a close, the Campus would like to reflect on this passing of time. We saw a long foliage-filled fall, a perhaps longer bone-chilling winter and now enter the days of spring, soon to be summer. While the sun has re-emerged and an excitement for the end of school builds, a ...


A New Angle: In Support of Cameras

It is easy and natural to have a strong emotional reaction to issues of privacy and security. As skeptical, educated adults, we are quick to react whenever we feel our autonomy is being violated — as demonstrated by the incidents of graffiti on our campus commenting on the proposed cameras — or ...

The Setonian

Endorsing Walters for an Improved SGA

Each year around this time, the Campus turns its focus to the upcoming Student Government Association presidential election. Unlike last year, there will be competition for the position and a field of strong, well-rounded candidates has emerged. Each one has come to the Campus office to present their ...

The Setonian

McCullough Must Go

Last week’s center spread of this newspaper focused on problematic spaces on campus. In this week’s editorial, we would like to add one more to the list. With all of the discussion on social life, one crucial part that has been largely missing from the discussion is hard to miss and sits near the ...

The Setonian

Need-Blind for International Students

Admitted students are visiting campus this week during Preview Days to explore all that Middlebury College has to offer; some of these students will be traveling from around the world to see our school. Concurrently, the Davis United World College (UWC) Scholars Program is celebrating its fifteenth ...

The Setonian

Remembering Nathan, as a Community

When the Middlebury community learned of the death of one of our own – Nathan Alexander ’17 – we were shocked and saddened. We at the Campus deeply felt this loss and decided that at this time no other subject was as important to the community as the death of one of our students. We cannot hope ...


With Graffiti Art, Means Trumps Message

Recently, a series of incidents of vandalism brought unrest to the College community. Messages such as “Black Power Matters” and “If you win the rat race, you’re still a rat” have appeared, spray-painted or etched, on the walls of Ross Dining Hall, Warner Hall and McCardell Bicentennial Hall. ...
