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Saturday, Jul 27, 2024

Arts & Culture

The Setonian

Ani Smiles On Concord with Signature Politically-Charged Set

Author: Michael Hatch This past Thursday was a treat. Ani DiFranco, solo, ripping into President Bush, taking on the war and gender divisions -- and, oh yeah, she smiled at me once, too. I rode down to Concord, N.H., with my sister and her high school buddies, and while I arrived newly educated on ...

The Setonian

Anderszewski Takes CFA Stage

Author: Christopher Lizotte The last several Fridays at the Center for the Arts Concert Hall have featured pianists of international renown who have performed programs drawn from the works of composers as diverse as classicists like Hayden and post-modernists such as Milton Babbitt. On Sunday, the trend ...

The Setonian

Blowin' Indie Wind Postal Service- 'Give Up' and Just Enjoy

Author: Erika Mercer You might hate the guy who can sing a line as corny as, "I want so badly to believe / That there is truth and love is real," and get away with it. Or the same guy who can put a sweet, soft, Belle & Sebastian-esque voice to a quick, upbeat, 80s electronic dance beat and make ...

The Setonian

'Dyskinesia' Overwhelms Audience with Despair

Author: Suzanne Mozes Understanding that the Hepburn Zoo provides a unique venue for experimental work that otherwise would not be carried by larger, professional theaters, Director Christopher Richards '03 took advantage of this opportunity with "Dyskinesia." Richards' version of Sarah Kane's final ...

The Setonian

Literary Picks "In Patagonia" by Bruce Chatwin

Author: Edward Pickering In 1975 an enigmatic Englishman named Bruce Chatwin left his job at The Sunday Times and traveled to Patagonia, a land he had always dreamed of visiting. His trip resulted in a book, "In Patagonia," that launched him on a new career as a travel writer. "In Patagonia" ranks among ...

The Setonian

Schine Defines His 'Most Basic Human Drive'

Author: Lucie Greene The musical, dance and theater-oriented activities at Middlebury College, by virtue of their perfomative nature, are highly visible on campus. It's rare for a weekend to pass without seeing at least one talented student showcase his or her skill in either McCullough, the Center ...

The Setonian

Bender '97 Melds Film into Parody Form

Author: Susan Goehring On Sunday in the Dana Auditorium, Hollywood screenwriter Michael Bender '97 came to speak and show his work to the Middlebury College community. Bender is currently working on his latest film titled "Fist Full of Candy," a Halloween movie due out this October of 2004. He only ...

The Setonian

Hip-Hop Dancers 'Break' Down Racial Barriers

Author: Alexandra Hay From walking onstage in an ape-suit to dodging bullets "matrix" style, Clyde Evans and his dancers played with the absurdly humorous while delivering an engaging and thoughtful presentation of hip-hop culture. Gathering early outside the Dance Theatre doors on Friday night for ...

The Setonian

Laughter Resounds at AAA's Annual Comedy Jam

Author: Crystal Belle If laughter is the key to one's soul, then many souls were unlocked during the African American Alliance's annual Comedy Jam on Saturday. The McCullough social space was packed at 9 p.m. as Middlebury students piled into the hall, anxiously awaiting the evening events. This year ...

The Setonian

Fifth Johnson Symposium Riddled with Wit

Author: Michael Hatch Students and professors alike flexed their academic brawn at the Fifth Annual Christian A. Johnson Symposium in the History of Art and Architecture, held Saturday in Bicentennial Hall. Asked to present research under the theme, "Envisioning Belief: Art and Religion," six professors ...

The Setonian

Bands Invade Campus During Big Music Weekend

Author: Daniel Roda Due to efforts from WRMC 91.1, the Center for Campus Activities and Leadership, social and special interest houses and several other factors, the campus has experienced a revival of live music of all sorts, proving that the Middlebury social scene can in fact foster a community in ...

The Setonian

Zeltzman Dances American Themes

Author: Michael Hatch The multimedia dance work of Dominique Zeltzman and Selene Colburn, "The Stomach Never Lies: True Confessions and Moving Images," performed this past Thursday and Friday, March 6 and 7, at the Flynn Space in Burlington, tackled topics ranging from the possible war with Iraq to ...

The Setonian

Pianist Lewis Plays CFA with Unhesitating Confidence

Author: Richard Lawless To its own credit, Middlebury College has always done a remarkable job of attracting talented musicians for its Performing Arts Series. This time, the College's Arts Series organizers have outdone themselves with internationally acclaimed pianist Paul Lewis, who performed at ...

The Setonian

Blowin' Indie Wind "The Grotto"-Bare, Bleak, and Beautiful

Author: Erika Mercer Picture a barren winter landscape: a field masked in snow, several solitary brown, lifeless blades of grass poking through its top white layer. A gray sky and a row of leaning, drooping trees complete the stark, desolate scene -- a scene which threatens to be too stark and cold ...

The Setonian

Literary Picks "The Killer Angels" by Michael Shaara

Author: Edward Pickering Awarded the Pulitzer Prize in 1975 and continuously in print since its first publication in 1974, Michael Shaara's civil war novel, "The Killer Angels," will appeal to a wide range of readers, not merely history buffs and retired soldiers.Overly enthusiastic commentators have ...

The Setonian

Middlebury Singer/Songwriter Mitchell Finds Her Voice

Author: Lucie Greene When sitting or studying in The Grille, it's quite easy to let a lot of the music be a comforting, but distinctly background, entity. It's also easy, with a range of cover tunes, to simply allow the much played lyrics to wash over you, in a haze of biology, physics, political science ...

The Setonian

Literary Picks "The Quiet American" by Graham Greene

Author: Edward Pickering Graham Greene's "The Quiet American" strikes contemporary readers as a work of remarkable prescience. Published in 1955, the novel unfolds in French-occupied Vietnam during the French Indochina War of 1946-1954. The main characters are Fowler, a veteran British journalist, middle ...

The Setonian

'Lysistrata' Mania Makes Its Way to Middlebury

Author: Laura Rockefeller On Monday, 1,004 theatre groups in 59 countries, including the Middlebury College Department of Theater, presented staged readings of the first anti-war play ever written: Aristophanes' "Lysistrata."The worldwide event was set in motion by Kathryn Blume and Sharron Bower as ...

The Setonian

Julliard Professor Sachs Journeys Through Modern Music

Author: Richard Lawless "Modern" was the key word in Joel Sachs' astounding performance at Middlebury's Center for the Arts this past Friday night. The Julliard professor's repertoire for Friday's concert consisted solely of modern piano pieces, all written between the years of 1929 and 1996. He began ...
