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Saturday, Jul 27, 2024

Nicole Le Mesurier '21 in Singapore

<span class="photocreditinline">COURTESY PHOTO</span><br />It only seems fitting to post something I baked since it seems like the whole world has gotten into baking recently. Don't worry though, this isn't another banana bread post. This is actually an Eiffel Tower chocolate cake baked by my me and my mum.
It only seems fitting to post something I baked since it seems like the whole world has gotten into baking recently. Don't worry though, this isn't another banana bread post. This is actually an Eiffel Tower chocolate cake baked by my me and my mum.

Nicole Le Mesurier '21


How have you been impacted by the coronavirus outbreak?

I flew home to Singapore, where I have been for the last few weeks. When I first arrived in Singapore, life was almost normal, and businesses were still open. Having just flown out of New York, it felt strange to see how different the two countries were handling the situation. Thanks to the strict and thorough tracing programs implemented by the government, Singapore was able to initially minimize all Covid cases. I self-quarantined myself for the first two weeks, and during this time Singapore saw an influx of imported cases, mainly from students like myself coming back from the United States and the UK. Thus, it came with no surprise that the government announced that Singapore would begin a partial lockdown about a month ago, hoping to break this circuit.

Singapore has been able to quickly reduce the imported cases, but in the last few weeks, Covid has spread to migrant worker dormitories, where thousands of laborers live. Our lockdown was recently extended to June. Like everyone else, the coronavirus outbreak has impacted all areas of my life. I am unable to make it to some Zoom classes due to the 12-hour time difference, with one class starting at 4:50 am. I was also planning to intern in New York this summer, and those plans have quickly disappeared. It's been tough not being able to leave the house, especially for someone like me who always has to be on the go. However, I am grateful to be with family right now as I don't get to see them or be in Singapore often.

What has been your greatest worry or day-to-day concern as coronavirus has spread?

I guess my greatest worry is making sure that my family and friends are all safe. I know quite a few people who've had coronavirus and it's scary being so far away from them wondering if they are okay. I'm also concerned that school won't reopen in the fall, and I'm worried that I'll lose my F-1 visa as it's dependent on me studying in America.

What has made you happy over the past few weeks?

I've found happiness in the smallest of things, from finding myself chuckling at a meme to watching funny Tiktoks. I also find happiness in exercising, being able to FaceTime friends and spend some time with my family.

Where do you feel local?

Singapore, London, Middlebury, Stockholm
