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Tuesday, May 14, 2024

The "F" Word

What's so bad about feminism?

Feminism. Does this word scare you? Is it off-putting to you when others identify as feminists? Let's talk about it. Shouldn't it be a problem that feminism has turned into a dirty word, particularly among our 18-24 year-old age group? Well, I think it's a shame and I'm going to keep talking about feminism. I'm going to keep talking about feminism until people don't cringe at the word, or dismiss it out of hand as irrelevant or passé.

Feminism has moved far in public perception. What started as a movement that many of our mothers took part in has become a phrase often avoided by their daughters. Particularly when women in our generation have benefited so much from the feminist movement, the inclination to distance ourselves from it is baffling to me.

Feminism shouldn't be scary. It also shouldn't be something we shy away from, considering just how far women have come, and how far we could be pulled back. The fact that there is even an extant threat to Roe v. Wade should be a cause for alarm. It should be a kick in the pants to a generation that has enjoyed countless opportunities, such as Title IX funding and maternity leave. It should be a wake-up call – if we abandon the movement, forces in our country may very well quickly dismantle our progress. So then, why do we steer clear of the word today?

I think it's high time that we stop pretending "women's issues" are indeed solely the issues of women. The fight for coverage of contraception and availability of family planning should not be solely in the realm of women. These issues affect all of our society. They should be treated as such.

I think that it's time for us to start talking about why feminism is good for everyone, and why we should stop thinking of it as a radical relic of last century. The biggest misconception, I believe, is that feminism is equivalent to hatred of men, or is somehow anti-sex. I would like to present a more inclusive and complex lobby to you all. Otherwise, we are trapped in a definition that only works to divide a populace and alienate men from an issue that is most certainly of their concern. In terms of relevancy, I would also like to push the idea that we have already conquered all of the mountains of inequality that exist, and shattered every last glass ceiling. Progress is always a moving target and I look forward to hunting for it with you this semester.
